9 - Theocracy's Fall

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a/n note: From this point forward, FOB Unity will be known as LSA Unity.

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29 August 2022 (Y1578), 11:30 AM
LSA Unity, Atria

"So, it begins, huh?" an officer spoke from inside the large tent. He took another sip of his tea before admiring what was happening before his eyes.

"I heard the brass planned to warn the Glorianes but skipped that. Maybe it has something to do with our casualties..." another officer, who has a lower rank, replied.

"Well, I'd say they made the right decision. Those Glorianes aren't going to give up from just paper bombs."

Outside the tent, 12 objects were lining up next to the runaway. As one of the objects took off, another one filled the space and conducted the final checks before taking off.

One by one, the objects took off and set their course towards northwest. They had a simple mission;

Destroy military installations within Mirliane.

The twelve Tigers then split up into two smaller groups, containing one Tiger I and five Tiger II.

The Tiger Is were equipped with four GBU-16 Paveway II laser-guided bombs and a droptank under their fuselage. The Tiger IIs on the other hand were equipped with three GBU-16s, one Litening targeting pod and one droptank, replacing one of the bombs with the targeting pod.

The clear blue sky made the sun's heat even hotter, though they tried their best to ignore it. Flying at an altitude of 1,500 meters, they are basically flying above the Gloriane's wyverns maximum altitude.

With an ETA to their target being 7 minutes, the jets quickly made their way across the sky and onto Gloriane airspace uninterrupted.

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Same time,
Mirliane, Gloriane
Royal Castle of Mirina

Standing above everything within its vicinity, the grey castle was one of the pinnacle of Gloriane building skills. It also showed the might of the royal family who resides within the castle.

And within this castle, a meeting of high-ranking individuals was taking place. Although one would expect some level of professionalism from them, it would be the complete opposite as people argued within the war room.

"How could they defeat our glorious army!? It is blessed by God himself, I doubt the credibility behind your report!" a general raised his voice onto another general.

"B-But it is true! Two wyverns were sent to scout the area and only saw nothing but craters that littered what's left of the camp!" the general defended himself.

"And what about the navy? Is their fate the same as our army?", another general asked the admiral of the navy.

"Though it pains me to say this, we haven't heard anything from them for the past hour. There might be a chance that they also have been defeated by the enemy."

The officers kept bickering with each other until knocks came from the large door that led into the war room. Two guards who stood by it then opened it, revealing who was behind it.

The moment the officers saw the golden staff, cold sweat filled their skins. They stood up to show respect for the person entering. The figure entering the room wore an elegant royal garment while also holding a beautiful golden staff holding a purple crystal on top of it.

The man slowly approached his chair - which was larger and more decorated than the rest - before sitting on it, cementing his aura of authority in the room.

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