13 - Avinae

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Note: Starting from this chapter onwards, the Novinaes may say a few words from their language (with the translation next to it).

There'll be also further changes that I'll list here:
- The race Hovinae will change to Hovi.
- At certain moments, the Novinaes will be called as Novi or Novis.

Also, the Viridom of Avinae is the same nation that was previously mentioned which is the State of Avena. (def not me too lazy to change it)

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16 Sirbemia 1578 (16 Sept. 2022),
5:20 PM
Few kimeras north of the Vitronne Territory,
Erymian Empire

The sun had graced the tip of a mountain, looming in the distance, a calming view that is a clear contrast to what was happening just few kimeras away from it.

The ground was littered with corpses, some intact while others faced less fortunate ends, dismembered or even scorched beyond recognition.

Almost all of them shared a common cause of death; by bullets. Their blood oozed out of their wounds and tainted the dirt in crimson red, the grassfield slowly turned from green to red.

Then came the sound of someone's footsteps, the sounds of his gear rattling every step he takes.

A soldier walks into the battlefield with a musket in his arms, followed by another. Soon, more and more soldiers marched across the blood-tainted grass field, not caring whether their boots stomped on grass or heads.

Then, came their land dragons, a testimony to the strength of this army. Their flames are able to scorch enemies over 20 meras away and is a symbol of doom to the enemies they're fighting against.

These soldiers simply scoffed at the sight of these lifeless corpses and continued marching on. These barbarians stood zero chance against their might. A small amount of them felt sorry for the dead, but hid it away from fear of cowardice.

The soldiers continued on marching, they were only given a simple order;

March on and conquer the capital of the barbaric nation.

To many, this was the might of the Erymian Empire, the sole superpower of the Third World.

Nobody even dared to challenge or even anger them, or else they risk incurring the wrath of the Crimson Devils, a nickname given because of the crimson red coats wore by their soldiers. Not a single nation had done such a thing and survived to tell the tale of their valiant stand...


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20 Sirbemia 1578 (20 Sept. 2022),
7:20 AM
Ovisia, Novinae
RNMDF Western Flotilla

The sun was shining a few degrees above the horizon. Within the confines of the harbour, a small flotilla of ships was docked. The sun's yellow rays were casted onto the ship' metal surfaces, reflecting some of it onto its surroundings.

Two black SUVs were parked by the small road that led to the harbour. The doors of the cars opened revealing several figures, with one of them standing out the most.

Some opened the trunks of the cars, taking out the luggage that the delegates brought for the trip.

This was Novinae's first diplomatic mission outside of Miklia, so they would be bringing more items to last them the whole trip.

Not only were there the delegates' luggages, there were also gifts that they planned to give to the nation they will be meeting.

One of the delegates was someone that was quite popular with the citizens of Novinae, which is none other than Princess Neofia Crystia, the Duchess of Skeap. To her, she was really looking forward to this mission because she wants to meet their cousins over the the Viridom of Avinae.

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