Extra - Slaying a Dragon

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7 September 2022 (Y1578), 2:00 PM,
Near the Okros Peak, Atria

"Take this!" yelled a bearded man who swung his battle-axe onto a wolf, splitting it in half and causing its blood to splatter all over the place.

Wiping the wolf's blood off his forehead, he took a look at the situation around him. Four more people - some better armed than others - began slaying the pack of wolves around him, either alone or with the help of others.

As a female mage casted an ice spike that impaled the head of the last wolf, the man with the battle-axe asked a swordsman, "Jirel, did you count how many wolves we've killed?"

"Ah, sorry, Ferim," said Jeril before he began counting the corpses of the wolves that littered the area around them.

Jeril then turned to Ferim as he counted the last corpse, "Around 19 if I'm not mistaken."

"19, huh? Well it's good we're making money out of this, but the amount of the monsters here are increasing more and more. Three days ago we only had to deal with a pack of 10 wolves..."

Ferim looked at the equipment his party members were wearing, most of them were in not-so-good conditions as they had tears, dried blood and dirt all over them. Their swords chipped, the bows wrapped in bandages just to keep them from falling apart.

He then looked over to the source of all of these problems - the enourmous plume of black ash towering above a volcano, with lightnings appearing hear and there.

Just a month ago, the Adventure Guilds across Atria issued an emergency quest for everyone. The Okros Peak's ash clouds are beginning to grow which only meant one thing.

The ancient dragon Okros is about to be awakened.

As a side effect of this awakening, hordes of monsters began appearing within the volcano's vicinity due to the high amounts of corrupted mana that were released by the awakening.

The adventurers would be the ones dealing with these new hordes of monsters, while the dragon problem is still being worked on.

There were rumors that their new ally, Novinae, would come in and help in eliminating this terrible dragon, once and for all. Ferim has heard of the stories from the recent war. Powerful steel wyverns and enourmous islands of steel, it seemed to be too good to be true, but it actually is true.

He didn't like that the current Atrian government is relying on the Novinaes more than their army, but it's their only choice.

He turned back to his party mates, "Alright, get the magic gems of these wolves and then we'll return to the main camp."

The party took out their hunting knives and began to extract the magic gems located near the hearts of most monsters. They also took the chance on taking their pelts since the wolf's fur is good for making winter clothing.

After 20 minutes had passed, they have retrieved everything they needed from the wolves. The party made their way back to the main camp, a camp formed by the Adventurer Guild to assist their adventurers in this quest.

- - - - - -

3:40 PM,
Adventurers' Main Camp One, few kilometers away from the Okros Peak

Having trekked their way from the forest into the main camp, the party quickly went on to sell the magic gems and wolf pelts at the largest building of the camp, the Temporary Adventurers Guild. They walked out of the building with coins in their bags, ready to spend it on buying their supplies.

This main camp wasn't the only one made for the emergency quest as there were four more to accomodate the thousands of adventurers making their way to the Okros Peak. This main camp however, was the first one to have completed most of its construction.

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