12 - Empire across the Sea

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Note: I will be including the calendar that the New World has been using. Novinae's calendar will be in brackets.

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14 Sirbemia 1578 (14 September 2022),
8:40 AM
Arymm, Erymian Empire
Imperial Palace of Arymm

As the horses pulling a carriage came to a stop, the doors to the carriage were swung open.

What came out of it was a man wearing clean and elegant dark blue coat, some may recognize it to be similar to the type of clothing that would exist in the Napoleonic-era.

With a brown leather suitcase in his hand, the carriage left him, leaving only him and the magnificent palace in front of him.

He paced his way into the entrance of the building and was soon blasted by the cold winds coming from the magic air cooler, a recent invention that utilizes magic gems and some magic circles to spew out cold air into the room.

He approached a counter with a receptionist on it. "Excuse me," he asks.

The receptionist turned up to look at him, "Oh, hello there, Mr. Drelker. What kind business do you have here today?"

The man, now known as Drelker, answered, "I have a meeting with the Emperor, I'm sure you know of it already."

"Ah, yes, yes. It's in... Meeting Room 1."

"Thank you," Drelker said before he turned to the left and entered a hallway and eventually arriving at his destination; a meeting room.

Suppressing his worries, he twisted the doorknob and entered the room. Inside, a man sat in a lavish chair, accompanied by two guards.

"I apologize for my late arrival, your majesty," he said while bowing towards the man.

The man in royal attire brushed it off, "Well, it doesn't matter, as long as you're here. Now, take a seat."

This man was no ordinary person. He is the emperor of Erymia, the ruler of this massive empire, Folsham Nycholas Browet, better known as Emperor Folsham II.

Drelker, the Head of the Third World Affairs Department, sat down on a chair and began to take out a leather file from his suitcase.

"So, Drelker. You said you have a report about the conflict that happened in the Miklia," said Folsham.

"Yes, your majesty. Although I cannot guarantee you that things went our way."

Folsham was a bit confused but then knew what he meant, "Just go on with it."

Drelker cleared his throat and calmed himself down before speaking, "On the 29th day of Ogornes (August), the Holy Kingdom of Gloriane commenced their invasion of the Kingdom of Atria.

As your majesty may have known, we have sent equipment and weaponries ranging from arquebuses to cannons used by us some decades ago. According to our calculations, Atria should've fall by the end of the year at least.

However, just a few weeks back, Atria seemed to have gained an ally by the name of the Kingdom of Novinae, a small island nation off its coast.

It seemed that Novinae had stationed a small detachment of its forces in the village of Lirinsel, Gloriane's first target in the invasion. A fierce battle occured, that would unexpected end in a Novinae-Atrian victory. The Glorianes had lost every men they sent in this battle, which is around 9,000 men.

Shortly after this battle, Novinae sent some of their wyverns to bomb the main Glorianean camp on the border, killing a majority of the soldiers there.

At the same time these events occured, the Glorianean sent their grand fleet to blockade Ulletria and also had plans to land it from there. A fleet of around 2100 ships departed from the Mirliane Port, which then fought against 8 Novinae ships, two of which, as some witnesses said, looked as if they were floating fortresses.

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