Ch: 1

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I picked at the hem of my light grey robe, something tugged on my senses...something I didn't like. I'd noticed it earlier in my mission but it seemed to have picked up tenfold as my mission nears its end. I looked out the window of the ship, Coruscant in all its glory stood there as we entered its atmosphere. I was slightly pacing now in my discomfort...let's say it takes a lot off of me that Captain Typho convinced Padmé to disguise herself as a pilot.

I watched our escort ship from the window, I saw Padmé as she sat in it...quite unhappily. She gave me a little smile before she turned back in her chair to watch the Coruscant skyline. We were now over the city.

"Master Nova." I heard someone say as they entered the small room of the ship I was pacing in.

I turned towards the voice as I stopped my wasn't the time to be nervous...or at least to let my nervousness show. The guy stood in the doorframe of the room's opening, they were a security personnel.

"We are making our descent toward the landing platform." They informed me. if me seeing the cityscape of Coruscant out the window wasn't enough of a clue. "Thank you," I told them before dismissing them away. was almost time to land...and my nerves seemed to pick up once more. I chanced a look in the reflection of the glass, my eyes had a slight yellow to their hue...barely visible but it was visible enough to me. I calmed myself, as much as I could, before I left the room...heading toward the others.

The ship landed with a quiet thud along the landing platform as I stood behind Cordé and her group of guards. Two guards walked a bit in front of Cordé, and three at her back. I stood behind the three guards. The landing ramp of the ship lowered itself before Cordé began her small walk off the ship. Another pang of fear rang through me as the world started to slow and before I knew it...I had forced pushed everyone down the ramp and far from the ship. Not even a second after that, I heard a slight explosion from behind me which sent me flying from the ship as it exploded.

I landed on the platform with a loud thud as every part of me ached with pain...a pain I'd never experienced before. The world around me rang with a strange buzzing, almost as if I was hearing through a pool of water.

I felt a pang of worriness but it didn't come from me but from another. A hand grabbed my shoulder before they carefully turned me around...all I saw was a blurry face but I know her anywhere...I was definitely Padmé. My vision soon cleared enough to confirm my suspicions. She was slightly shaking me as she tried to speak...not tried to speak, she was speaking but all I heard was a muddled voice. At least until it too slowly cleared.

"N-Nova...!" Padmé seemed to yell at me as the others stood nearby, slowly getting up themselves.

"She saved us...." I managed to hear one of them say, almost in disbelief...disbelief that they were still alive.

"Padmé!" Captain Typho grabbed Padmé's attention before he looked around, warily. "We are still in danger here, M'lady."

"I'm not leaving my sister...!" Padmé argues with him.

"I never suggested that." Captain Typho seemed to tell her.

I let out a shaky breath as I seemed to regain my breathing, slowing it down. "P-Padmé." I tried to let her know that I was alright, despite being blown back by an explosion. I slowly moved my cut-up's hand, scraps lined both it and my arms from my crash landing, to hold her hand in my hand. "I'm fine."

"Can you stand...?" Captain Typho seemed to ask me.

I took a deep breath before Padmé helped me up, although I nearly fell back down as Captain Typho had to help her hold me up. At their worried looks, I knew I had to reassure them of my well-being. "I'm fine...I've had worse." I spoke truthfully...although I'm pretty sure that only seemed to cause Padmé more grief. I slightly laughed. "Although, I wish I had enough time to throw up a barrier."

I then remembered what Ashlyn had once told me. That the barrier would automatically go up if something were to cause me to die before I was supposed to but the probably with that...? You never knew when your time is your time. I looked down at myself, I didn't seem to pick at anything potentially least not that I could see.

"I definitely need to get to the halls of healing...." I voiced my thoughts aloud, not meaning to.

Padmé gave me a serious look before she spoke to Captain Typho. "You heard her, next stop's the Jedi Temple." Someone from her small group seemed to be in disbelief of her words, thinking that the vote is more important. Let's just say...Padmé has some words for them. "Nothing is more important than family." She then looked at me. "Nothing."

With Padmé and Captin Typho's support, our group walked towards a speeder, two speeders. Cordé's group got into one speeder as they left for the senate building. While Padmé and Captain Typho and I all got in the other speeder and headed for the Jedi Temple.

We landed the speeder in a small private hanger as I didn't want to just stumble up the Temple's steps. This hanger was reserved for members of the Jedi Council so there wouldn't be anyone much in here. Although...I seemed to speak a bit too soon before I noticed both Masters Yoda and Windu as they casually spoke to each other as they entered the room. However, their conversation swiftly came to a close almost as soon as they saw the three of us stagger out of the speeder.

"Nova, what happened...?" I heard the term concerned voice of Master Yoda state as both he and Windu rushed over to me. Although, I wasn't the one to answer.

"An explosion on the landing platform." Captain Typho was quite with his response.

"How many casualties...?" Master Windu immediately went into a serious mode.

"None because of Nova," Padmé informed them as she looked at her sister. "Will she be alright...?"

"We must get her to the Halls of Healing." Master Windu informed them...and with that. Our group of now five all left the private hanger as we headed towards the Halls of Healing.

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