Ch: 13

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As Obi-wan and I neared the Temple, I noticed a set of younglings...or rather...Padawans which approached us. I instantly recognized them as the younglings I had helped nearly ten years ago. Tami was now quite petite, like she had been as a youngling, and her brother: Xander nearly towered over her...about a foot taller than her. He was even an inch or so taller than Obi-wan.

"Master Amidalla...!" Tami eagerly greeted me with a little bow. Xander bowed as well but said nothing.

"Easy...." I told the Padawans. "There's no need for formality." I then noticed the slight darkness behind Tami and Xander's'd been there ever since Lily-la had gone missing nearly ten years ago. Even if I didn't really know Lily-la that well...she was still a student I'd helped Master Yoda teach when I was a Padawan. I felt for her...I couldn't help but to wonder just where she'd gone off to. "How are you two...? Well, I hope."

"How are we...?" Tami asked me, a little concerned as the slight darkness within her vanished to be replaced with concern. "How about you...? We heard about what'd happened the other day. Are you alright...?"

"Gossip really does travel the whole temple like wildfire...doesn't it...?" I asked the two.

"It does when it's about a member of the Jedi Council." Xander spoke up.

"I'm fine...getting better." I told the two of them. I could see Obi-wan's slight concern about the word 'getting'. I suppose I seem like I'm all better...but I'm not...not fully...not yet. I looked at the two Padawan's in front of me. We needed to find information about this planet neither Obi-wan nor I had heard about and I definitely needed more hands in the search. "How would you two like to accompany us to the Jedi Archives...?"

"Are you sure that's a good idea...?" Obi-wan asked me, a little concerned. "Dragging Padawan's into this...?"

"I was dragged into something far worse when I was younger than them." I informed Obi-wan as I referred to what happened on Naboo ten years ago. "Although...I wasn't that much younger."

"But you were well trained." Obi-wan protested my idea. "Trained by Master Yoda himself."

"So are most of the Younglings." I told Obi-wan. "So were you, I bet."

"Mainly the basics." Obi-wan told me.

"Oh, come on." I told Obi-wan as I grabbed his hand. "It'll be fun." I then took hold of Tami's hand with my hand that wasn't holding onto Obi-wan's. I then dragged them towards the Temple's entrance as Xander followed behind us.

"Searching the archive's'll be fun...?" I heard Obi-wan question me as we entered the if questioning my sanity. I gave him no reply as I lead them down the Temple's halls and towards the Jedi Archives.

Once inside the Archives, our search began. We all decided to take to separate parts of the Archive so that our search would be slightly shorter than if we were all still in a group.

I dragged out yet another holo, quickly scanned over if before placing it back on the shelf. This was taking forever...I eyed the terminals Obi-wan was near. He seemed to be trying to figure out where the planet was by using astral charts. My attention upon Obi-wan made me ever so distracted that I wasn't careful when I placed another holo back upon the shelf. It was much higher than the other one and I had to slightly stretch just to reach it and as it turned out...I shouldn't've stretched at all.

With a quick intake of breath, I leaned my back against the shelf of holo's as I placed my hand along my side. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them, I felt a hand along my shoulder.

"You aren't alright, are you...?" It was a concerned Tami that was quickly by my side.

"Don't tell anyone." I managed to say as the slight spike of pain died down thanks to a pill I'd taken.

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