Ch: 3

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I stared out the window of the elevator with Obi-wan and Anakin beside me. So far, they're the only ones who know that I've tagged along with them. However, I suppose that won't last for much longer. A movement to my right brought my attention back to the others, I turned around to face them. Anakin seemed to be messing around with his dark-colored Jedi robes.

"You seem a little on edge, Anakin." Obi-wan seemed to tell his young apprentice.

That's probably an understatement.... I thought as I looked at Anakin before my mind seemed to click. Of course...we're on our way to see Padmé. Aka...his girlfriend he hasn't seen in like five, maybe four, years. And I say girlfriend because Padmé always seems to blush whenever I bring it up as I don't think they count each other as their boyfriend or girlfriend. Although knowing them, they probably least to some extent.

"Not at all." Anakin informed Obi-wan, lying through his teeth. Somehow, Obi-wan didn't seem to pick up on this.

"I haven't felt you this tense since we fell into the nest of Gundarts," Obi-wan informed Anakin.

"You fell into that nightmare, Master, and I rescued you, remember...?" Anakin questioned Obi-wan.

Meanwhile, I made a mental note to ask Obi-wan about everywhere he'd taken Anakin and also to scold him about how dangerous some of the places could've been. I know Gundarts are seriously ferocious creatures, especially if you stumble into their nest...especially if their nest has chicks inside it. I mentally shivered at that unpleasant memory. Luckily Master Yoda was there...otherwise. Actually...did he get his list of planets to visit from Master Yoda...? Cause if so, I'll definitely haft to tell him which ones to never go matter how brave you might be matter how trained you are.... Some places are just never to be traveled....

"Oh yeah...." I heard Obi-wan lightly laugh. "You're sweating, relax." He told Anakin. "Take a deep breath."

"I haven't seen her in four years, Master." Anakin informed Obi-wan.

The last time they saw each other, Anakin and Padmé face to face, was during that mission Obi-wan and I went on to find Ashlyn on Naboo. Although, they have spoken a number of times since...but always over a long-distance call. Which I wasn't really sure if Obi-wan knew to be the case or not.

"Anakin, you know she isn't Queen anymore...right...?" I questioned him.

"That's not why I'm nervous," Anakin stated.

After a couple of seconds of silence, the elevator's doors opened up and we walked out. I was feeling kind of good, at least until I felt a somewhat familiar presence.

"Obi! Obi! Obi! Mesa so smilen to seein yousa." I heard the annoyingly familiar voice of the one, the only...Jar Jar Binks.

Why'd he haft to be here...?! I internally screamed. I almost forgot he was the Representative of Naboo. At least he was already here, I so didn't need him on that ship with would've made me a lot more tense and nervous than I had been.

Although...if he had been...I don't know if I would've saved him as well as the others. However...I have a feeling I would've, my Jedi training would've convinced me if nothing else.

"It's good to see you, too, Jar Jar." Obi-wan greeted the Gungan. I honestly didn't know how he could put up with such a confusing creature such as Jar Jar.

"Ah...Nova...!" Jar Jar exclaimed happily as he saw me. "Thisa grand, yousa here toosa."

Um.... "Great." I stated, forcing a smile. Jar Jar then turned from me and saw Anakin.

"And thisa...mesa takes it is yousa apprentice." Jar Jar stated in regards to Anakin, he then examined the boy. "Nooo!" The Gungan seemed to exclaim as he looked at Anakin. "Ani...? Little bitty Ani...?"

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