Ch: 22

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I landed the speeder along one of the platforms of the Senate Building before both Kala and I got out. "Just what is your plan...?" Kala asked me as we headed for one of the doors of the building.

I stopped, grabbing her arm to stop her as well, just before we got to the door. The Jedi Council's inside the building...they'll be able to sense both Kala and I...if they haven't already....

"Nova...?" Kala questioned me as we came to an abrupt stop.

I shook my head from side to side. "How can we listen in if they know we're there." I told Kala before a memory came to light. "Hey...remember when I cut myself off from the Force...?"

"Are you gonna do that again...?" Kala asked me.

"Not exactly...only make it seem like I have." I told Kala. I then closed my eyes as I concentrated on what to do...what I should've done all those years ago. When I opened my eyes...I felt slightly different...and yet not the same as I had when I first tried this. I felt slightly something was missing or just that I think that something is missing.

"You feel the same as you did then." Kala told me, a couple seconds after I'd done it. "Did you actually cut yourself off again...?"

I felt the Force flow through me...almost like an icy chill. It was definitely something to get used to. I didn't know if I liked it or not. I reached out and used the Force to take Kala's lightsaber off her belt. It came into my hand easily enough.

"I think I did it right this time." I informed Kala before I gave her back her saber. I then looked at her. "Now your turn." I then took her hand and concentrated, much to her confusion.

"But I can't." Kala pointed out to me, slightly confused. She then took a sharp gasp of air as I made her Force signature fade away...more like snuffed it out.

"It is already done." I pointed out to her as a bout of dizziness made my surroundings seem to swirl around me. I blinked a couple of times...and the swirling stopped but the slight dizziness still remained.

"This is...." Kala stated as she looked at her hands. "...strange...."

I then started to move into the Senate Building, my tug on Kala seemed to make her follow. We slowly made our way through the halls as we headed for where the Jedi Council was. I reached out with the Force and easily sensed them all within the Chancellors Kala and I headed there.

Once we got to the Chancellor's office, Kala and I slowly went inside. Luckily we didn't draw attention to ourselves right away as everyone seemed too busy as they looked at a hologram of Obi-wan explaining what we'd seen on Geonosis.

"The Commerce Guild and the Corporate Alliance have both pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming a-" The hologram of Obi-wan, which played out in the middle of the room, stated before he was interrupted.

"Obi-wan...!" My cautious yet alarmed voice came through the hologram right before Obi-wan ignited his lightsaber. He then started to deflect blaster bolts with his saber.

My heart seemed to ache at the sight of him being overrun...even if I know how this'll turn out. He's fine...right...? I questioned myself. If he wasn't...I would've felt it before I'd jumped back in time. I tried to reassure myself. Kala grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly as she sent me a reassuring smile that seemed to ease my nerves...if only slightly.

The hologram then shut off...but not before showing me fighting a destroyer droid.

Master Windu seemed to look down towards the ground as Kala and I stayed hidden as the hologram changed to show Anakin and Padmé.

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