Ch: 24

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~~~Nova Kenobi~~~

Lightsabers dawned on our belts, Kala and I snuck around the crowds of Geonosisans unseen. We stuck to the shadows, like the plan we'd gone over with everyone who'd decided to come with us. We amassed hundreds of the order: anyone from Master to Knight...even Padawan...granted their Master both came along and gave them permission to come as well.

In the arena, Obi-wan was bound to a pillar in the center but the event seemed to be delayed. As the minuets seemed to tick by but nothing was done...on our side or the other. This waiting was growing tiresome as my nerves just wanted to get this over with already...but I couldn't.... We haft to stick to the plan...wait for the signal before we make ourselves known.

Suddenly, another chariot was brought out into the arena...sporting two additional prisoners. Ones that had no business being here.

"Padmé...?!" I spoke under my breath as I tried to take a step forwards...towards the arena.

"Nova...!" Kala said, in a shushed tone, as she grabbed my arm. "We can't go charging in...we've got to wait for Master Windu's signal."

I relaxed myself as much as I could...Kala was right. "You're right...." I said softly as she released my arm.

Padmé and Anakin were both brought out to the middle of the arena and bound to a pillar of their own.

"Besides...." Kala spoke softly to me. "She's you're sister...she can handle anything...just like you." She tried to reassure me.

"Y-yeah...." I stated, softly. Padmé's strong and resilient...of course she can handle herself.... As could any one of us....

Kala then sent a message over her comlink, letting Master Windu know that we were in position. Now we just gotta wait on everyone else to get into position.

Once Padmé and Anakin were securely bound, did the event start as one of the Geonosians on the same balcony as Count Dooku started speaking in their native tongue. "Let the execution begin...!" Was heard in basic before the roar of a beast was heard as it entered the arena. While all the Geonosians sitting the in stands seemed to scream and cheer in excitement.

Three beasts entered the arena, all lead in by their captures...and all lead to the center of the arena. The Geonosians who lead the beasts in positioned a creature known as a Reek in front of Anakin, a Nexu in front of Padmé, and an Acklay in front of Obi-wan.

The creatures slowly made their way towards their prey. Padmé used some kind of pick to pick at the chains connected to her hands. She picked one off and used the other to help her scale the pillar. Once up on top of the tower, she tried to pull the chain free from the tower.

The Reek charged at Anakin, who jumped up high...leaving it to crash into the pillar behind Anakin. Anakin landed on the Reeks back, wrapping his chains around the Reek's horn. The Reek fought back as it tried to throw Anakin off. The only thing it manger to do was the break the pillars hold on the chain.

Obi-wan ducked down as the Acklay slipped it's claws at him, only managing to stabbing the chain which bound Obi-wan. The chain easily snapped, freeing for the shackles which bound his hands together. He then dodged to the side as the Acklay tried to swipe at him again and again.

The Nexu climbed up the pillar towards Padmé, who had her chains free and tried to swing it as the Nexu as if it were a chain weapon. The Nexu jumped at her, clawing her back before landing back on the ground below her.

This went on for a couple minuets longer, Kala holding me back and keeping me calm all the while we watched the three beasts attack our friends. Anakin eventually got the Reek under control, dispite being thrown off. The Reek charged at the Nexu, knocking it out of the fight. Padmé jumped down from the pillar, landing behind Anakin upon the Reek. The two of them shared a split second kiss...hard to see unless you were really paying attention...a lot of attention at that. The Acklay tried to stab it's claws into Obi-wan, who had managed to get a hold of one of the Geonosians's spears and proceeded to try an stab the Acklay with it. He threw the spear at the Acklay, hitting it dead on in the chest. The Acklay nearly grabbed hold of the stick with it's mouth, pulled it out before snapping it in half. Obi-wan scurried away from the Acklay. Obi-wan eventually mounted the Reek along with Anakin and Padmé...much to the displeasure of the Geonosians who wanted to watch them die...not live. Destroyer droids then rolled into the arena, surround the Reek.

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