Ch: 14

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When Tami and I reconnected with Obi-wan and Xander, we found them staring at a statue of Dooku. I looked at the statue as well, as if in thought. Could he really have taken Lily-la when he left the order...? It just seemed so unlikely...I barely remembered them spending any time together. It was so perplexing... She vanished right around the time he left, mixed with Tami telling me Lily-la admired Dooku...everything seemed to fit together like nice little puzzle...only...if Lily-la really did leave with Dooku...where was she...? It's like she's both hidden and standing right in plain sight.

As the four of us stood there in silence, I felt another presence walking up toward us, well, Obi-wan. They cleared their voice, as if to get our attention...not that they really needed to as I'm sure we all knew they wete there, before speaking.

"Did you call for assistance...?" The elderly librarian, known as Jocasta Nu, asked Obi-wan.

"Yes..." Obi-wan stated before he turned towards her. "Yes, I did."

Jocasta looked toward the statue of Dooku before running his hand along the statue's beard. "He has a powerful face, doesn't he...?" She stated as if it were a deep memory. "He was one of the most brilliant Jedi I'd ever had the privilege of knowing."

"Why exactly did he quit...?" I found myself asking her, not really knowing what else to say. There had to've been a reason why he left...wasn't there...? And maybe perhaps why Tami thinks he took Lily-la with him? "Only 20 Jedi have ever left the order," I stated, as if it were more so of an afterthought.

"The lost twenty...." Jocasta stated, saddened by their decision of leaving. "Count Dooku was the most recent...and most painful." She gave a shook of her head as if to ward off bad memories. "No one likes to talk about it...his leaving was a great loss to the Order."

"We've heard rumors." Tami dared to speak, only continuing after no one said anything about her butting into the conversation. "But what really happened...?" She was curious...probably trying to fish for anything related to Lily-la.

"Well, Count Dooku was always a bit out of step with the decisions of the Council...." Jocasta stated, giving me warry smile before she turned her attention towards Obi-wan. "Much like your old Master, Qui-Gon Jinn."

"Really?" Obi-wan questioned her, finding it hard to believe that Dooku or Qui-Gon was anything alike. A least Qui-Gon didn't leave the Order.

I might not've known him long...but I don't think he'd leave the Order.... Go against the Council...? Sure. Leave the Order...? No.

"Oh, yes. They were alike in many ways." Jocasta replied, lost in thought. "Very individual thinkers...idealists...." She turned her attention back to the statue. "He was always striving to become a more
powerful Jedi. He wanted to be the best. With a lightsaber, in the old style of fencing, he had no match. His knowledge of the Force was...unique...but in the end, I think he left because he lost faith in the Republic. He believed that
politics were corrupt, and he felt the Jedi betrayed themselves by serving the politicians. He always had very
high expectations of government. He disappeared for nine or ten years, then just showed up recently as the head of the separatist movement.

"Was he alone when he showed up...?" I couldn't help but asking after I noticed the look on Tami's face, no doubt she was thinking the same thing. Obi-wan gave me a funny look, not knowing why I'd asked such an odd question.

"No, not that I'd heard." Jocasta replied.

"It's all very interesting." Obi-wan stated as he looked at the statue, no doubt more questions filled him mind. "I'm not sure I completely

"And I don't think you will...." I half mumbled under my breath, only Obi-wan hearing me as he was the closest one to me. He nudged my shoulder in a way nobody seemed to pick up on, nobody but me.

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