Ch: 2

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I sat on the bed, my back up against the headboard of the bed. I was utterly bored out of my mind. Padmé and the others had long since left with Master Yoda placing a no-one's-allowed-in-this-small-room-other-than-the-Temple-Healers sign on the door. As such, I've no company to see me like this...all banged up as the Healers had placed me on a bacta drip. Which already has me feeling ten times better than when I first stumbled in here. I looked at the bandages along my arms, there weren't many. After my bacta bath, most of the shallow scrapes and bruises had already healed or had healed up enough to not warrant a bandage. I heard a small knocking on the door of the room, which brought me from my memories. I looked up only to see Kala as she had the door half opened.

"How are you feeling...?" I heard her ask me, slightly concerned. "I heard about what you did."

"Already...?" I questioned her, it only happened a couple of hours ago.

"You know how it is," She informed me. "Gossip flies through the Temple like wildfire...some Jedi noticed you being escorted to the Halls of Healing." She let out a brief silence as if in thought. "Obi-wan isn't happy. He's not allowed in to see you. Nobody is really."

"If nobody's allowed in, how did you get in...?" I questioned her before my mind seemed to backtrack. She say Obi-wan...?! "Is Obi-wan here...? Is he back...?!"

"Look at you, lovestruck...." She told me, sweetly. "If you must know...he is and I snuck in...although I'm pretty sure one of the Healers noticed me but everyone knows that we're best friends so...probably why they haven't come in here yet to escort me out."

I gave a short laugh. "Probably." I softly told her in agreement. "Think you can get Obi-wan back here...?"

She looked at the door of the room. "You really think a sign will keep him at bay...? A sign of all things...?" She seemed to question me. "He's pacing around outside, he let me sneak in first...pretty sure he's debating that though.... Want me to send him in...?"

I thought about that for a moment, I didn't want to deal with an upset, worried, Obi-wan but I also didn't want him fretting over me. "Send him in." I seemed to come up with an answer. With that, Kala left the room to go fetch Obi-wan.

Not a moment after Kala left did Obi-wan enter the room, silently closing the door behind him. "Nova." His voice was soft as he looked at me.

"It's been a while," I informed him. He and Anakin had been away from Coruscant for a couple of months, two at most.

"You didn't haft to go and nearly blow yourself up to bring me back." He softly told me as he sat next to me on the bed, slightly stroking his hand along my hair.

I slightly smiled at his somewhat joking tone. "I'll be fine," I told him as I brought my right hand, the one that the bacta drip was not connected to, to his face as I made him stare into my eyes. "Look at me," I stated, calmly. "I'm fine." My voice slowly trailed off before I thought about it. "But Padmé isn't...someone's trying to kill her."

"I know," He informed me. "The council assigned Anakin and I to watch over her until this blows over."

"Blows over...?" I questioned him, not believing it. Not only did the rest of the council hold a vote without me-not that I was in any shape to be there for it-but they just think that this'll blow over...? Someone wants Padmé dead, this isn't going to blow over...not until the wanna-be killer is behind bars. "This won't blow over...not anytime soon."

"Which is why Anakin and I are to protect her," He told me.

"Not without me." I told him before I got up from the bed, slightly dizzy but I soon recovered. I then took out the bacta drip, I didn't think I really needed it anymore anyways. Although, I did slightly regret it as my hand now felt like it had a heartbeat with my pratcially yanking out the thing. I grabbed a small bandage from the side of the room and placed it over the small drip of blood beading over the top of my hand

"Nova...!" He protested my motions, slight caution in his voice. "You need to stay here, heal."

I turned to him, slightly angry at the day's events. "I'm healed enough," I spoke to him, quite sternly. "I need to find out who wants my sister dead, I can't do that from this room."

"Nova, the council didn't assign me to go after this wannabe killer." He told me, calmly as if trying to get me to calm down. "Now calm down, think reasonably."

"I am thinking reasonably here...." I informed him, my mind slightly calm. "Padmé isn't safe until we find them, least we constantly haft to protect her for forever and let me tell you...she doesn't like being looked after like a child."

"Nova." He stated calmly once more before he placed his hands on my shoulders. "You need to calm down."

"R-Right...." I stated before I took a deep breath, calming myself down even more. Once calmed down, I faced him. "Obi-wan...I can't just let this slide...they could've killed her...the others.... They could've killed me...."

"I know." He stated as he looked into my eyes. "Do you think I don't know that...? Do you think I don't want to find them...?" There was just as much conflict in him as there was in me, I realized. "For what they did to you...could've done to you...I want to go after them...but I can't."

"Obi-wan." I softly informed him, taking his hand in mine. "I'm on the Jedi Council." He already knew that but I seemed to reinform him about this. His mind seemed to click. "So I'm going with you." After wasn't like the other members of the council could tell me no...not when they can and probably have done things similar to what I'm about to do.

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