Ch: 8

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Obi-wan and Anakin sat the changeling down on the ground while I stood with my back against a wall as I glared daggers at the changing. She tried to kill my sister, tried to kill me...I was beyond upset. I feared for what I'd do, especially in front of young, impressionable, Anakin...not that he was that much younger than myself.

"Do you know who it was you were trying to kill...?!" Obi-wan started the interrogation, not letting his opinion on the matter about his sister-in-law get in the way.

"The Senator from Naboo." The changeling responded, obviously in pain from me cutting her arm off as she held the stub close to her chest.

"Who hired you...?" Obi-wan managed to calmly ask the changeling.

"It was just a job." The changeling responded.

I was so angry with her now as she said that killing Padmé was no different than sweeping the floors...a job. That figures for a contract killer. I pushed myself off the wall before I slightly tugged up on the collar of the changeling's jacket. "Your job was to kill my sister...!" I exclaimed towards the changeling, tugging the shirt up so much that the changeling struggled to breathe. "Tell me who hired you!"

"Nova...!" Obi-wan exclaimed as he placed his hand on my arm, trying to calm me. "She's already hurt, don't make it any worse."

I took a deep breath before I calmed myself, my grip slackened on the changeling. I slowly took my hand from her collar before I took a step back, crossing my arms as I glared at the changeling. "We still haft to find out who hired her." I managed to say without letting any emotions drift into my voice. Which was hard...extremely given that the changeling wasn't even five feet away from me.

"That Senator's gonna die soon anyways...and the next one won't make the same mistake I did." The changeling stated, furthermore picking at my nerves.

"And what mistake did you make?!" I questioned the changeling, who just looked at me as if the answer to that was obvious...anger within her eyes.

Obi-wan examined the changeling's wound before voicing his thoughts aloud. "This is going to need treatment."

Anakin slightly paced around, obvious anxious about us going nowhere...getting nothing from this contracted killer. He suddenly stopped before he looked at the changeling. "Tell us now!" He slightly raised his voice after he knelt down to the changeling's level. I wasn't gonna lie...he seemed extremely threatening.

"It was a-" The changeling started to say as a slight fear made itself known within her...but then I felt something, a danger. She stopped speaking once I looked around the area, trying to find this supposed danger.

I instantly reached out with the Force only to stop whatever it was mere seconds from hitting the changeling. I waved my hand and the object came closer so I could examine it. My eyes caught something, a figure, high up on the next building over. It was too dark to make them out. Almost as soon as I'd caught the dart using the Force, the figure jet packed up into the sky and out of view.

"It's a type of dart." I heard Obi-wan state before he looked at the changeling. "No doubt it has poison within it."

"Thanks Captain Obvious." I told Obi-wan only to receive a look from both him and Anakin. I ignored them before I set my attention back to the changeling. "Not a good way to go." I stated as I moved the dart towards the changeling, who cautiously eyed it. "Now tell us. Who hired you. You're not getting out of this. Whoever tried to kill you, just now, has left."

"Nova." Obi-wan warned me, obviously thinking that I'm trying to blackmail the changeling. Which I wasn't, I merely showed her the dart so she could see what would've happened.

The changeling closed her eyes before she responded. "A bounty hunter, Jango Fett."

I looked up at Obi-wan. "Do you-?" I started only for him to shake his head.

"I do not." Obi-wan responded.

My attention went back to the changeling before I took out a pair of cuffs. "In the name of the Galactic Republic, you're under arrest for the attempted murder of Cordé, five Guards of Naboo, myself...twice, and Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo." While I said this, I tried not to let my emotions get the best of me, not again. I'm a member on the Jedi High Council...I haft to set a better example.

When I put the hand cuffs on the changeling, I made sure that the one on her stub was nearly skin wouldn't want them sliding off. The changeling just glared at me, not saying anything as Obi-wan helped me stand her up.

"We should inform the council." Obi-wan stated before he looked to me. "The rest of the council, that is."

"I'll call them on the way, inform them that I wish to have a meeting." I stated as the three, now four, of us started our walk.

"It'll be a long walk to the speeder platform." Obi-wan informed Anakin and I. "Would've been shorter had someone." He looked at me. "Didn't wreck the one we had before."

"Not like that one would fit the four of us." I scoffed at him. "It it wouldn't even fit the three of us."

"Still, one of us could've took it and bring back one that would." Obi-wan told me. "Would've saved time."

"Well...." I started, speaking sweetly, as I looked at Obi-wan. "Bit too late for that one, isn't it...?" He just gave me a look, one sweet little Anakin didn't seem to comprehend.

"Or we could just confiscate another one." Anakin stated as we walked past a row of speeders.

"That was a life or death emergency, Anakin." I informed the Padawan. "This." I looked at the changeling. "This is not." I let out a huff of air as I thought before I brought up my comlink. "I'll call Padmé, her apartment is closer than the temple. She's more likely to get something here faster." I briefly paused before I added. "Besides...we did just save her life." And with that, I called my sister.

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