Ch: 7

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I quickly jumped into the driver's seat, much to Obi-wan's sigh of dismay. I just looked at him with my most charming smile and that seemed to shut him up...momentarily. I swiftly sped the speeder towards our target ship, which Anakin now dangled off of. I watched as he'd managed to climb on top of the ship and used his lightsaber to try and cut into said ship. Our target used their blaster and tried to shoot at Anakin but all this achieved seemed to be Anakin dropping his lightsaber. I angled the speeder so that Obi-wan could catch it as we flew past.

I watched as Anakin drew more of the attackers fire, some missing Anakin and flying behind us. I managed to miss some of them, much to Obi-wan's dismay at my driving, but one of them managed to hit the sweet spot on the speeder and it began to lose power. Black smoke flowed from the part of the speeder the blast hit as we took a nose dive down.

"Nova...!" Obi-wan yelled my ear off. "Do something!"

"I am trying...!" I told him as I quickly tried to switch gears and press every single button on the speeder. I even tried to steer the speeder upwards, which barely worked. All it did was cause the speeder to level out but we were still I tried to reach out with the Force to try and slow the speeder's descend but we were still going much too fast. "Abandon speeder!" Was all I could figure out to do. I rigged the controls so it'd keep the speeder level even if I wasn't steering.

As the speeder neared the ground, Obi-wan and I jumped from the speeder and to the ground...or rather the platform directly below the speeder at the time. As I came out of my roll, I turned around just in time to see the speeder hit a nearby building and go up in a fiery explosion.

"Did you really just destroy that speeder...?!" Obi-wan questioned me.

I looked back at him. "Don't blame me, blame your Padawan. He caused the guy to shoot us." I stated as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Besides, Anakin'll be dropping in anytime soon." Almost at my words, our target's ship crash landed on the same platform we were on. Obi-wan just looked at me, speechless.

My gaze turned back to where Anakin landed at, he was already chasing the target through the crowd. Obi-wan and I followed after Anakin, who briefly paused in front of a club.

"Anakin!" Obi-wan called out to Anakin, who seemed to be debating on whether to follow they guy into the club or not.

"They went into that club, Master." Anakin informed us.

"Patience." Obi-wan commanded of his Padawan. "Use the Force, Anakin. Think."

"Sorry, Master." Anakin told us.

"I'm guessing he went in there to hide, not run." I told them. "Blend in with the crowd."

"Yes, Master Amidala." Anakin told me, quite formally...I didn't really like it but I made no comment on it.

Obi-wan held out the lightsaber he'd caught to Anakin. "Here. Next time try not to lose it." Obi-wan sternly told Anakin, who reached for the saber. "A Jedi's saber is his most precious possession."

"Yes, Master." Anakin told Obi-wan. I could sense that he just wanted this lesson to be over with already.

"He must keep it with him at all times." Obi-wan told Anakin.

"I know, Master." Anakin stated.

"This weapon is your life." Obi-wan instructed Anakin.

"I've heard this lesson before...." Anakin told Obi-wan, quite bored with their conversation.

"But, you haven't learned anything, Anakin." Obi-wan stated. "Otherwise you wouldn't keep making the same mistakes." He then released his hold of the lightsaber before Anakin placed it along his belt.

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