Ch: 9

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The rest of that night was spent locking the changeling behind bars within the Coruscant prison where she'll await trial. Not that a trial will make much of a difference. She was caught red-handed plus she admitted that she was trying to kill Padmé. After locking away the changeling, I contacted Master Yoda and arranged for a council meeting for the following morning to discuss what had happened.

It was now morning...and I had just walked into the Council Chambers. I was the last Council member to walk into the room, Obi-wan and Anakin followed after me. The two of them stopped in the middle of the room while I took my seat on the Council and our meeting began.

"Track down this Jango Fett, you must, Obi-Wan." Master Yoda stated after Obi-wan and I had explained last night's events.

Although, I did leave out certain things...somethings that even Obi-wan didn't know. That Ashlyn had contacted me after all these years of silence.

"Join you, Master Amidala will." Master Yoda spoke, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Are you sure that is wise...?" Master Windu asked Master Yoda. "She's only still recovering from that explosion. One that happened merely yesterday."

"I'll be fine," I informed Master Windu, speaking out of turn. Which would've landed me in trouble had I been a Padawan, and looked down upon should I be merely a Jedi Knight. I could get away with it as I was a member of this council. My thoughts then went to my sister, while I'll be fine...what about her...? It's her they want dead, not me. "Although I can't say the same about my-about Senator Amidala."

"She will still need protecting." Obi-wan seemed to agree with me.

"Handle that, your Padawan will." Master Yoda informed Obi-wan, referring to Anakin.

Of course...Anakin and Padmé...what a lovely pair....

"Anakin, escort the Senator back to her home planet of Naboo. She'll be safer there and don't use registered transport, travel as refugees." Master Windu instructed Anakin.

"As the leader of the opposition, it will be very difficult to get Senator Amidala to leave the Capital," Anakin stated.

"Until caught this killer is, our judgment she must respect." Master Yoda stated.

"Anakin, go to the Senate and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her." Master Windu instructed of Anakin.

Obi-wan and Anakin both bowed and then left the room, and only after the door closed did someone speak.

"Up for this, are you, Master Amidala?" Master Yoda asked me.

I thought for a second before I responded. "He's trying to have my sister killed," I spoke, trying to hide my swirling emotions from everyone in the room. I might be able to hide them from my Force Signature...but I couldn't seem to rid them off my face.

"Scared, are you?" Master Yoda asked me.

I closed my eyes for a moment, opening them before I next spoke. "Not for myself." I then stood from my chair before I bowed to the others, excused myself, and then left as I hurried after Obi-wan.

Once I exited the council chambers, I lightly ran through the halls in the direction I knew he'd gone off in. Looks like Anakin and him had already split as I didn't sense their presences together.

"Obi-wan!" I lightly called after him, in a manor befitting someone calling an old friend over to talk. Obi-wan slowed his walk just enough for me to catch up with him. As I caught up to him, I could tell that something was bothering him. "What is it?" I asked, slightly concerned. "Is it about Anakin...?"

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