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Chapter 3


Early in the morning, at dawn, Tang Xue's family was woken up by a loud noise. Tang's parents ran out of the room sleepily. They saw that the floor-to-ceiling window on the balcony had been smashed by something, and the tempered glass had cracked into a dense spider web.

"Oh, my God, what's going on?" Tang Xue also ran out of the room and shouted in surprise when she saw this situation.

Tang's father looked at the scene, frowned and said, "It looks like someone shot with air, gun or slingshot, but I didn't find marbles."

"Have you offended others?" Tang's mother frowned and asked Tang's father.

"How can it be that I haven't conflicted with anyone at all." Tang's father immediately denied it.

"Do you want to call the police?" Tang Xue asked.

"What's the caller? Your father, I'm the policeman. Come on, you two go to bed again. I'll deal with it."

"I'm all awakened. I'm still sleeping somewhere. I got up directly to work. Xiaoxue went to bed for a while." Mother Tang stretched into the room to change her clothes.

Tang's father is still observing the scene and seems to want to find the murder weapon. Tang Xue came over and asked, "What about this glass?" We have to replace it with a new one."

Tang's father nodded: "Well, I'll find someone to change it. It happens that I know the boss of a decoration company. I'll call to ask later. Hey, there happens to be an important meeting in the bureau today. I don't think I don't have time to do it."

As soon as Tang Xue heard this, she immediately said bravely, "I have time. Why don't you tell me the address of that decoration company? I'll ask. I just repaired the other attics of our house and made them waterproof, so as to save water seepage and mold from time to time. By the way, I put some more lockers."

"Okay, I'll call him later and send you the address and phone number. Just tell him whatever you want."

"Okay, Dad."

"It's still early. Go in and sleep for a while."

Tang Xue entered the house and closed the door before showing a satisfactory smile. She stretched out her finger and pointed out the red vine wrapped around her wrist and praised, "It's done well. It's great to control it just right."

Feeling the praise of the master, Akito danced excitedly, and the two leaves shook back and forth.

The window on the balcony was broken by Tang Xue and Akito from the outside. When it was originally decorated, the windows on the balcony were decorated with large glass windows for good-looking. Such windows could not be blocked at all when a super typhoon came. She had to find a way to replace them. The waterproofing of the roof should also be remade, otherwise it will not withstand the rainstorm. Air purifiers and water purifiers should also be installed. When volcanic ash covers the whole earth, both of them can save lives, and it is hard to find a lot of money.

You also need to find a way to buy masks, gas masks, all-in-one protective clothing, protective glasses, high-quality all-in-one raincoats, rain boots, etc. We also need to prepare cold supplies. If conditions permit, we also need to find a way to get a boat. The hovercraft is too small, you have to get a real boat.

There are too many things to prepare. Tang Xue specially prepared a notebook to record what she needs to buy and how much she has bought. Even if the situation is urgent, she still dares not move too much to avoid suspicion.

In order not to make her behavior too prominent, she specially paid attention to some doomsday enthusiast forums, and also added a lot of doomsday enthusiast groups to dive in the group every day to watch those people share some useful equipment.

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