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Chapter 101

Doomsday 92

When she received a call from Mr. Qin, she was in the planting house in District 3. Recently, four plantations in District 3 have had a relatively severe dead leaf phenomenon. She has been staying in the plantation with her team members for three consecutive days to find out the cause of the dead leaf phenomenon and find a way to deal with the problem.

After three days of continuous observation and research and experimentation, it was finally found that there was something wrong with the matrix, and it was finally decided to replace the matrix of the dead leaf areas of the four plantation.

After receiving the call from Mr. Qin, she immediately explained to the team members and took the bus back to the office building.


"Come in."

Mr. Qin was standing by the window, looking into the distance, and his face was as if he had been troubled by some difficult problem. Hearing the knock on the door, he immediately turned around.

"Come on, come and sit down." Mr. Qin pointed to the sofa in the office and asked the assistant to pour water into her cup. Now everyone's drinking cups are carrying them with them.

Tang Xue sat down on the sofa and looked at Mr. Qin. Now Mr. Qin is obviously much older than Mr. Qin, who saw for the first time a few years ago. Not only is the old hair completely white, but the face is also full of wrinkles and spots, and the back of the back is not as straight as before, and it began to hunch back.

After he sat down, he coughed twice from time to time. The assistant brought his medicine and water glass and reminded him that it was time to take it.

He opened the glass and swallowed the pill quickly. "Cough, I'm old. This winter is getting worse and harder."

"It's almost there. Spring is coming soon." Tang Xue said.

"Yes, spring is coming, and I don't know if my old bones can see the next spring."

As soon as the words fell, there was another violent cough.

The assistant and Tang Xue quickly came forward and patted him on the back. Tang Xue asked the assistant, "What's going on?" Do you have a cold?"

Assistant: "I have been coughing for many days. The doctor said it was chronic bronchitis. In addition, the cold weather stimulated the respiratory tract, so the cough has not been good."

Mr. Qin waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. My body knows that I'm 73 years old. As soon as I get old, there will be problems with all kinds of organs, just like a machine for a long time, and the parts are slowly useless to wear."

After drinking the medicine, Mr. Qin was in better shape. When the assistant went out, he asked Tang Xue with a kind smile, "Have you been busy with work recently?"

"Fortunately, I'm not very busy. This period is relatively idle. I guess I should be busy when spring sowing breeding. By the way, Mr. Qin, when this year's spring sowing breeding will start? The base has never been notified. Calculating the time should be able to start."

Mr. Qin was silent for a moment, sighed and said, "I'm afraid there will be no spring sowing this year."

"What happened?"

There must have been major changes, otherwise it is impossible to give up the spring sowing, which only has a chance to harvest once a year.

Qin Laoshen looked at Tang Xue deeply, organized his language, and said slowly, "Scientists have found that there have been great changes in the poles, and at the same time, extreme high temperatures have occurred. The polar glaciers are melting at an unprecedented rate. When spring comes, the temperature will gradually rise, and I'm afraid that the speed of sea will rise three times as fast as it is now."

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