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Chapter 67

The end of the world 58


From the literal meaning of these two words alone, it is not difficult to see how difficult it is to carry out this work.

The huge workload is only the second, and the human struggle is the most painful.

Citizens who pass the quarantine and physical examination will happily move to the North Mountains and continue to survive.

What about those who failed?

No one is a fool. Everyone knows what it means.

People with a strong heart and a good mentality may be able to calmly accept such an ending. If your heart is not strong enough, your mentality will collapse directly. If the mentality collapses, it is conceivable that people who lose hope will do something.

There are only two kinds: suicide and newspaper.

In fact, in the world, few people can decide things. Most of the time, you can do it because of the gift of fate.

Will those who have successfully moved to the North District really continue to be happy? No, because no one can guarantee that the goddess of luck will always favor you. You dodged this time. What about the next time? What about the next time?

Every disaster after the end of the world is like a sieve, screening out those who are not favored by fate.

Since the implementation of the policy, the whole city has fallen into ice and fire.

On the one hand, citizens carry out orderly quarantine and physical examinations under the arrangement of the staff, and on the other hand, the police and the military put out fires everywhere to calm down and maintain social stability.

In this post-disaster battle, the hardest is grassroots and front-line personnel. If the whole city is a huge and sophisticated machine, they are the screws and small parts in the machine. It is their unremitting work that enables the urban machinery to run in an orderly and smooth manner.

The cutting plan is carried out in an orderly manner.

Many family members of farm employees are among the first batch of people to be quarantined and transferred, because one of the stipulated priority isolation conditions is that those who have a reception relationship in the North Mountains can be given priority to quarantine.

This reception requires not only a place to live, but also food. People who prioritize isolation and migration cannot receive relief food.

Generally, self-funded is preferred. If food, drink and accommodation are publicly funded, then queue up and arrange uniformly. When it comes to Beishan District, you can also arrange accommodation uniformly.

For example, if you have your hometown in the Beishan District, you can prioritize quarantine and go straight back to your hometown. Of course, if it is an only child, it is not a big problem. If there are brothers and sisters, it may take some effort. After all, resources are limited, and receiving it is equivalent to more than one family consuming resources. It is conceivable that family conflicts caused by migration.

After the promulgation of the migration policy, the internal system mail of the farm also issued a notice. The Richest Group also has real estate projects in Beishan District, or like urban areas, it can provide idle houses to employees' families, and employees in need can apply.

Once born and twice cooked.

Others receive family members, while Tang Xue receives materials.

Tang Xue received a call from Tang's father, saying that he and Tang's mother would also be quarantined and transferred after a while. He packed everything in the storage room and sent them from the official logistics to the farm.

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