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Chapter 117

Doomsday 108

The speed of machine reclamation is very fast. More than a dozen people on the farm follow it to pick up stones, pick up hay, and level the land, and the speed can't keep up with it.

There are a lot of gravel scattered in the wasteland, large and small. Everyone pick up all the rubble and put them together. Later, they can be used to pave roads or build yards. The only trouble is that the stone is too heavy to move. I can only pick it up and put it in the box, and then carry it back with a flat burden.

The hay was also picked up and stacked into a haystack, and then kept a earth-burning stove.

After arriving here, they made a new earth stove with stone iron slab cement. Combined with their previous experience in making earthen stoves and their later experience, they redesigned a new multi-functional earthen stove.

This earthen stove has two stoves, boiling water while cooking, and between the two stoves is a chimney. Under the stove for boiling water is the stove, and under the stove for cooking is a small oven.

This earthen stove perfectly solves the problem of eating and drinking water for everyone on the farm.

"Zhou Jin!" A thick male voice came from a distance.

Tang Xue looked up and turned around.

A man in a local ethnic costume is coming to them with an ox.

He called Zhou Jin's name and waved his right hand.

"It's Aza. The local residents here live in the residential area over there. Our tents and chickens were changed with his help." Zhou Jin introduced the situation of the people to Tang Xue and Jiang Yu. The rest of the farm knew Aza, but only they didn't know each other.

After the farm people came here, the first local residents to contact with were the Aza family. To be precise, it should be Aza.

That day, Zhou Jin and Wardron met Aza when they were fetching water and helped Aza a little favor, so they got married to Aza. Later, because of the lack of supplies, they went to the Aboriginal neighborhood to exchange people, where they met Aza.

Under the leadership of Aza, they successfully changed to what they wanted.

"Azza, why are you here?" Zhou Jin came forward to say hello.

"You haven't come to borrow cattle these two days. My father is worried that you didn't borrow it because you were embarrassed to open your mouth, so he asked me to bring the cow to help. It turned out that you invited the machine back." Aza looked at the arable car in the field, with exclamation in his eyes and wide and round eyes.

The Aza family also has land. The arable land is basically made of cattle or small hand-held arable land machines. Large-scale arable land trucks have never been hired. Before the end of the world, you can invite the money. After the end of the world, the arable car can't be invited if you want to invite it.

"Thank you, Azza. Our boss is here, so I borrowed a arable car today."

"Ah...Yes, you are from the farm..."

Aza heard from Zhou Jin that they are all employees of the farm, because their boss has a land here, so they moved here.

Aza looked around the crowd curiously to find out who the boss was.

Aza's simple personality was simple. Zhou Jin suddenly saw through his little movements, so he took him to Tang Xue and Jiang Yu.

"These two are the owners of our farm. This is Tang Xue, and this is Jiang Yu." Zhou Jin pointed to Tang Xue and Jiang Yu to introduce Aza.

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