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Chapter 91

The end of the world 82

The public areas in the morning are particularly lively.

Morning is the most energetic time of the day. People who wake up will sit together for breakfast and chat. At night, everyone was so tired that they could fall asleep standing. No one was in the mood to talk more. They just wanted to lie down and sleep quickly.

It's still sunny today. According to Yuepeng's plan, after breakfast, he will take the team members out to clear the snow.

"Xiao Wu, don't go today and stay on the farm to rest."

Xiaowu accidentally sprained his foot during the snow yesterday. After emergency treatment, it was not a big problem. It was still a little swollen this morning. Yue Peng asked him to stay and rest.

"Captain, I'm fine. I twisted it a little. It won't hurt for a long time."

"Occome orders." Yue Peng said seriously.

"Yes." Xiao Wu raised his head and straightened his chest and answered loudly.

Tang Xue came out of the room after washing up.

"Xiao Xue, come and have dinner." Tang's father, who was sitting at the stove, was eating, said.


She walked over and picked up her bowls and chopsticks.

Jiang Chen, who was sitting on a bench with Jiang Yu, stood up and said, "Sister Xiaoxue, sit here. I'm finished."

With that, quickly pick up the remaining sweet potato dough in the bowl into your mouth.

After eating, Yue Peng and the team members put on their clothes and tools to set out to sweep the snow.

"Pupy ginger soup in your kettle." Tang Xue said.

Yue Peng shook his head and patted the military kettle on his body with a smile. "No, it's a good thing here."

There are also some stored sorghum wine on the farm, which is equipped with each team member. Take a sip when it feels cold, which can dispel the cold. According to the previous discipline, drinking is not allowed. Of course, you can't miss the opportunity now.

She turned around and continued to eat silently. I thought to myself, but I don't know if you are still in the mood to drink later.

Out of the farm gate, a group of people carried tools to the road.

"Look, what's over there?" Suddenly, a little soldier with sharp eyes pointed to the direction of the sentry and asked.

The others looked in the direction of his fingers and saw a lot of square boxes in the open space near the sentry post.

"Let's go and have a look."

A team of people rushed to the vicinity of the sentry post as soon as possible.

It's a container.

Yue Peng counted twenty-five containers.

Who put so many containers here? How did these containers come from? What's in the container?

Countless questions turned over in Yue Peng's mind, but there was no answer.

"Open it and see if there is anything inside." Yue Peng ordered.

The team members tried their best to open a total of five containers, each of which was full of things. Because many boxes are wrapped in thick plastic film, I can't see what's inside.

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