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Chapter 107

The end of the world 98

The garrison base is next to the planting base, and the gates of the two bases are facing each other. At the beginning, considering the importance of planting bases, the garrison chose to camp next door.

Live close, and in the event of a disaster, you can quickly rescue and keep the food bags of the people of City C. After the end of the world, nothing is more important than food.

Later, near the newly built tadpole breeding center and food processing factory, there were also garrisons, and everyone was treated the same.

At this time, the garrison base was empty.

Most of the soldiers stationed at the base have escorted the large troops out in the previous batches of evacuation operations. The remaining soldiers were also dispersed today and stationed in major assembly sites in advance to prepare for the last evacuation tomorrow.

Today is a sleepless night for all garrison and official staff. Make adequate preparations in advance so that tomorrow can be in a hurry to ensure the smooth progress of the transfer task.

There was no one at the garrison base, so she wanted to let Akito go and have a look.

What surprised her was that Akato brought back five containers.

If it's not wrong, these five containers were in the 25 containers she let Akito throw out that winter.

The materials contained in the container were taken away by the authorities, but the container was still left at the garrison base. It is also wasteful to put it away. The base uses waste and converts all containers into houses for warehouses.

These containers are painted with very obvious garrison signs. After several years of wind and sun exposure, the surface has long been covered with scars.

Akito went for a walk and brought back a total of five containers.

Akito likes to go out for a walk at night. Tang Xue also specifically said that if she meets something useful, she will help take it back, such as food that people can eat. Once he went to Zhuhai to play and brought back a lot of bamboo shoots.

She quickly checked the containers and found that they were full of things.

There is no food. Anyway, the food will definitely be shipped away, and the food is a consumable.

There are no weapons left behind. Weapons are dangerous goods and need to be in the hands of the army at any time. If it is exiled to the people, it will inevitably lead to an uncontrollable situation.

Although containers are used as warehouses in the garrison, they are all ordinary items inside. All the critical supplies have been taken away by the garrison.

There are a lot of tents in a container, some new and old. It should be used when going out for tasks. After the task is completed, it will be collected, and finally everything is neatly folded and placed in the container warehouse.

There is a container full of folding marching beds, most of which are old. Some have been used for many years, and the steel pipe has been slightly bent.

There is also a large steel plate containing a whole piece, which she can't see the purpose of these steel plates.

The last two are equipped with various rescue equipment, ropes, life jackets, lifeboats and other waters. Seeing these equipment reminded her of the floods and natural disasters caused by super typhoons that year.

"Is there anything else besides these?" She asked Akato.

The red vine shook two tender leaves, indicating that it was not found.

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