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Chapter 127

The end of the world 118

Another party, Ah Zhen, is also looking forward to meeting Ah Zheng again.

After dark, A Zhen took advantage of the night to quietly come to Ahyu's house. When A Zhen came, A was feeding his wife.

"You go out to the house and wait for me first."

"Okay, okay, I'm not in a hurry. Take your brother and sister to eat slowly."

Ah Zhen closed the door and retreated to the outer room. He paced around the room, looking up at the decorations in the room from time to time, and his eyes were full of disgust.

What a poor guy. There is nothing at home.

A Zhen rubbed her nose and even felt that there was a smell of sheep dung in Aqi's room.

He looked left and right with a disgustful face, picked a cleaner stool and sat down. His right hand patted his knee from time to time, waiting for Ah Zhen boredom.

While he was about to be impatient, Ah finally came out of the room.

He immediately raised his smiling face and stood up to meet him.

"Oh, you're finally out."

"Why are you waiting impatiently?" Ah Yu's face was not very good, and his tone was also very cold.

Whoever knows that you will cheat, you will be angry, not to mention being cheated by your own brother. They are the siblings of a mother, and Ah Yi can't figure out why Ah Zhen hurt him.

Ah Zhen thought that Ah Yu was in a bad mood because of his wife's recurrence, so he pretended to care and said, "Is your brother and sister in good health?" Tomorrow, I will ask your sister-in-law to send some mutton to mend my brother and sister. A few days ago, my father-in-law killed a sheep and distributed some for our family, but I was not willing to eat it yet.

Although A Zhen was angry with him, he forced himself to soften the look on his face when he thought of what had happened at the village head Akang's house last night.

That's all, he still has a task to do again, and he can't turn against Ah Zhen.

He smiled and said, "No, she is weak now and can't eat mutton. Let's talk about it when she gets better."

Speaking of illness, Azhen immediately took out a golden bead from his pocket and handed it to Ah.

"Hey, this is the reward for the information provided yesterday."

The golden beads weigh about three or four grams, and some patterns are carved on the outside.

Ah took the beads from the palm of Ah Zhen and looked carefully.

"Don't worry, this is real gold. I have checked it for you. Let's see, I'm fine with you. That's right. What about today's data? Have you written down?" Ah Zhen couldn't wait to ask.

Ah took out a piece of paper from his belt and handed it to Ah Zhen.

A Zhen immediately opened it as a treasure and found that there were four license plate numbers on the paper today, one of which was repeated yesterday, indicating that the car came again today.

After reading it, Ah Zhen smiled happily and raised her hand and patted Ah Hao on the shoulder: "Good job, I will continue to work hard tomorrow. There is a golden bead a day. How can there be better work than this?" When you save enough money, you can send your siblings to the best hospital to use the best medicine.

"Well, I know."

If he hadn't known that this was a bottomless pit, Ah Yu felt that he would have been fooled by the big cake painted by Ah Zhen and continue to work to death. Not to mention treating your wife, maybe the family will be ruined and the wife and children will be separated.

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