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Chapter 75

The end of the world 66

Inside the lobby

Tang Xue helped Tang's mother sit down in the chair and put down her crutches.

Seeing that Tang's mother was injured, her eldir-in-d aunt also came over and asked, "How did this happen? Why was she still injured?"

Tang's father and Jiang Yu came in with their luggage. They heard the question from their aunt and said, "At the plan, she should have been quarantined in the first few batches, but in order to wait for me, they changed the order with other colleagues. Unexpectedly, something happened. In order to save a little girl, she was injured."

The situation in today's main urban area is very bad. While a large number of healthy people have been evacuated, epidemic infections are still increasing, and the panic is very serious. Due to the lack of medical resources and epidemic prevention resources, people who get sick can only be concentrated in one area and rely on their own resistance.

This leads to frequent conflicts. Tang's mother's hospital was attacked when she evacuated. In order to protect a little girl patient, Tang's mother's leg was injured.

In order to prevent infection, only the mob could be killed in the end.

"When did you tell me?" Tang Xue asked Tang's father.

"For a while, your mother won't let you tell you, afraid you will be in a hurry."

"Dad!" Tang Xue shouted angrily.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong. I'm wrong. I won't make up for my work. I brought all your mother's luggage to make your mother recuperate on the farm for a while."

In order to avoid bringing the virus, Tang's father sent Tang's mother after another week after quarantine.

Knowing that Tang's mother would stay on the farm to recuperate, Tang Xue was happy again.

"Then where do you live?"

"I still have a job and live in the staff dormitory. It's not far from here. I can come here every few days."

Since she was transferred to Beishan District, Tang Xue has rarely had the opportunity to meet her parents. Now she is in the same district, and she finally has the opportunity to meet frequently.

In order to take better care of Tang's mother, Tang Xue directly sent Tang's luggage to her room and let Tang's mother live with her.

At noon, she cooked in person, cooked a delicious food for Tang's parents and took over the wind and dust.

It is said that it is a table, but in fact, it is also three dishes and one soup. Because there are many people, there are also many plates.

Kill a chicken, the chicken bones are used to make soup, and then add some vegetables and dried bamboo shoots. Shave out the chicken breast and make Kung Pao chicken with cucumbers, potatoes and peanuts. Chop chicken legs, chicken wings, chicken necks, chicken feet, add potatoes and carrots to make braised chicken nuggets. There are still some chicken left. Shredded chicken and sweet potato flour were shredded to make a spicy shredded chicken and sweet potato flour.

In addition, I made a fresh and tender egg custard for Mom Tang alone.

At the table, everyone sat together for dinner. Tang's mother wanted to give half of the egg custard to Tang Tianyi, but her aunt stopped her.

"Xiaoxue specially made it for you. You can eat it yourself. Don't worry about the child. This child is on the farm and opens a small stove. Look at your thinness. Now you are hurt again. You really need to make up for it."

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