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Chapter 55

The end of the world 46

The Meteorological Bureau issued an early warning message about the typhoon. A super typhoon is about to make landfall on the southwest coast of China, reaching force 17 or above. According to meteorologists, this super typhoon will be the typhoon with the highest precipitation, the slowest movement and the widest impact in the country's history.

Before the typhoon made landfall, it had remotely controlled the continuous rainfall in many provinces of the mainland.

After the typhoon warning information was released, stormstorm warning, lightning and other meteorological disaster warnings were issued one after another.

Some citizens are very happy to learn that a typhoon is coming. A typhoon means cooling and precipitation, which is simply a manna from the sky for C city residents suffering from high temperatures and droughts.

The overall terrain of the Beishan District is relatively high, and the river is densely covered with a large lake, Longhu. Due to the dry climate, the river has long dried up, and the water level of Longhu Lake has fallen to an all-time low.

The long drought riverbed seems to be waiting for a nectar.

But they don't know that endless nectar is also a disaster.

After the typhoon warning was issued, the next day, it was rare for City C to usher in a cool weather affected by the typhoon. Cloudy weather, the sun is looming, and cool winds blow away the invisible heat on the earth.

Tang Xue received a notice as soon as she went to work and immediately went to the conference room of the planting department for a meeting and was not allowed to be absent. After explaining her work to the team members, she rushed to the conference room on the second floor of the planting department for a meeting.

When she arrived in the conference room, there were already a lot of people in it, basically the leaders of various planting groups in District 2. She found the area where the four team leaders were located, walked over, and was ready to find a seat.

"Xiao Tang is coming. Come and sit down." The leader of the same team greeted her enthusiastically.

"Good morning, Team Leader Lin."

Tang Xue walked over to say hello to him and took the opportunity to sit down beside him.

"Xiao Tang, congratulations. This evaluation, the 6 groups are the first again. I admire it."

Team Leader Lin really admired this young girl. The sixth group used to be famous for the whole team's poor planting skills. Each evaluation was either the penultimate or the penultimate, but since Tang Xue came, he has won the first place every time she was judged, which really impossible for him to accept it.

The planting strength of the first group in all groups of the fourth team is one of the best. In the past, it was in the top three in every evaluation, and I have won a lot of first place. Since Tang Xue came, she has never won it once.

It's a little unconvinced to lose for the first time. It can also be said to be a fluke, but every time I lose, I can only be as good as others.

"Where and where, in fact, everyone is very powerful. I'm just lucky, and there is also the credit of the team members. Usually, they do field management. I still have many shortcomings in my ability, and I have to learn more from my predecessors." Tang Xue waved her hand.

"Don't be modest. We can see all your ability, Xiao Tang. Come to Plantation No. 1 to help us make suggestions when you have time in the future. We will also learn to learn until we are old." Team Leader Lin extended an invitation to Tang Xue.

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