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Chapter 7

A new neighbor moved next door.

Tang Xue came out of the room sleepily in her pajamas and stood in the cat's eye and looked out. The door of the house opposite was open, and several workers were moving things in and out.

This building is a large apartment with one staircase and two families. The opposite house has always been uninhabited. I heard from others that it is a wedding room bought by the elderly for his son. The decoration style is also in line with the modern simplicity of modern young people's aesthetics. But I don't know what happened. My son has never been married, and no one has ever lived in this house.

Last week, Tang's father heard from the property management company that the house had been sold. A few days ago, Tang Xue also saw a cleaning lady come to clean it. Now it is estimated that the new owner will move here.

Tang Xue stared at the cat's eye for a while, and didn't know who moved from the opposite side. She was slightly worried. The end of the world is approaching. There are only two of them on this floor. There must be a lot of opportunities to deal with each other in the future. I hope to move in a more reliable family.

Just as she lost interest in interrupting and continuing to go back to her room to sleep, a familiar face suddenly appeared within the cat's sight. Tang Xue blinked in disbelief. She doubted whether she hadn't woken up and hallucinated.

Jiang Yu.

Why does this man appear here? Is he the new owner opposite?

Tang Xue was suddenly sleepless. She ran into the room to change her clothes and clean herself up as soon as possible. She had to go out and see what was going on.

Tang Xue opened the door and happened to see a young boy coming out to move things. He was not very old and wore eyes like a high school student. He was tall and thin. She heard Jiang Yu mention that he has a younger brother, Jiang Chen, who is about to be promoted to the third year.

The child was stunned when he saw her open the door, and then politely greeted, "Hello."

"Jiang Chen?" Tang Xue asked tentatively.

"Yes, my name is Jiang Chen. You are Tang Xuejie, right? I heard from my brother say that your house lives opposite."

"Hello, I'm Tang Xue. Are you moving here?"

"Well, I'm going to be in the third year of high school soon. It's close to the school, so I moved here so that I can ride a few minutes by bike next night. The previous home was too far away, and it's not convenient to ask my brother to pick him up and drop it up every time." Jiang Chen explained.

In fact, no, I don't have to go to class soon. Tang Xue thought silently in her heart.

"What are you doing? Why don't you move in?" With that, Jiang Yu walked to the door and saw Tang Xue's voice softened: "I wanted to visit your house when I was packed up, but I didn't expect that the move was a little loud. Did it bother you?"

Jiang Chen stood aside and stared at him. His brother's ten-thousand-year-old iceberg face melted in an instant. Since his brother's career is successful and he earns more money, his aura has become stronger and stronger. He doesn't remember how long he has never seen him so kind to others.

Mr. Jiang, who is serious and cautious in the company, is serious at home and cares for his younger brother.

Jiang Chen looked at Tang Xue carefully again. This sister is unusual. She should pay attention to it in the future.

"Did you really buy this house? I heard that it was sold last week, but I didn't expect the buyer to be you. Tang Xue said.

"My brother was promoted to a third year in the second half of the year. I have always wanted to change to a house closer to the school. The agent recommended this house. I didn't expect such a coincidence. It happened to be right from your house."

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