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Chapter 123

The end of the world 114

"Let's go slowly. Come back next time you need it. The old business will definitely be discounted for you."

After Chen Dan sent away a wave of guests, he finally had time to stop and rest. The materials of her underwear and socks are really good, and the price is reasonable. In addition, she can observe the color and often chat with customers happily, so the business has always been good.

She turned her head and saw her sister-in-law Lingling helping to sort out the underwear and socks messed up by guests at the stall.

In fact, the two are not sisters, but sisters and sisters, so they are not even sisters and sisters.

She is Lingling's brother's girlfriend.

It's a long story why only the two of them depend on each other now. Lingling's brother, Chen Dan's boyfriend, went to a coastal city for business trips at the end of the world, but she was trapped there and never came back.

Lingling's family turned into a family of four.

In the later disaster, Lingling's mother also died, leaving only Lingling's father and Lingling.

Unfortunately, Lingling's father is not a good thing. Before the end of the world, she often raped his wife and children, and it became worse after the end of the world. Although Lingling's mother died in a natural disaster, she couldn't get out of touch with Lingling's father.

Lingling's mother would protect Lingling before she died. After Lingling's mother died, Lingling's father wanted to sell Lingling for supplies. Not all parents in the world deserve to be called parents, and Lingling's father doesn't deserve it.

Fortunately, Lingling was smart and knew to turn to the community and the police before she escaped the fate of being sold. In order to avoid Lingling from receiving another injury, the community arranged Lingling to live in a welfare home.

Although Lingling has no relatives there, at least her safety and survival can be guaranteed.

Lingling stayed in the welfare home for a while, and then occasionally met Chen Dan. At that time, Chen Dan was volunteering to help with sports supplies, and Lingling suddenly recognized her from the crowd.

Chen Dan also recognized Lingling.

Before the end of the world, when Chen Dan fell in love with Lingling's brother, she often saw Lingling and had a good relationship with her. Lingling always called Chen Dan's sister-in-law. In the year of the end of the world, Chen Dan and Brother Lingling were ready to get married, but before the wedding day, the end of the world came.

When Lingling saw Chen Dan, she hugged her and refused to let go. After Chen Dan learned about Lingling's situation, she took Lingling home.

In the following years, Chen Dan's parents also died one after another, leaving only the two of them for their lives.

Although the two are not sisters, they have a deeper relationship than their own sisters.

"Lingling, don't be busy. I'll do it. You sit down and rest. Does the injury on your leg still hurt?"

Chen Dan took Lingling aside to sit down and took out the kettle and gave her water.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, sister-in-law. You can sit down, too." Lingling took the kettle, patted herself, and motioned her to sit down and rest.

"Lingling, don't go out alone in the future, don't come to the market again, stay at home."

"No, no, I'm coming to help my sister-in-law." Lingling's head shook like a rattle.

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