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Chapter 93

The end of the world 84

Early in the morning, Aunt Li was the first to get up. The first thing she did out of the room was to turn on the light and then go to the chicken coop in the corner to check. Seeing that the ten chicks in the chicken nest were still lively, her hanging heart finally fell back into her stomach.

These ten chicks were hatched yesterday. Before going to bed last night, she was afraid that the chicken would freeze to death if she was left outside, so she moved the chicken coop to the room. Because there is a kang in the room, the temperature at night is higher than in the public area outside.

However, the room was crowded, slept a lot, the chickens were noisy, and they moved out in the middle of the night.

She didn't sleep soundly in the middle of the night, and she kept thinking about the chicken. Before dawn in the morning, she couldn't wait to get up and come out to check.

After Aunt Li fed the chicks, she was ready to start making breakfast.

Suddenly, I heard the opening of the door. I thought Aunt Qi in the same room had got up. She looked up and found that it was Tang Xue.

"Is it too loud to wake you up? It's not dawn yet, and it's still early. Why don't you go in and sleep for a while? Aunt Li thought that her movement woke up Tang Xue.

"No, the alarm clock I set rang. I'm going to finish the plantation before I go to work." Tang Xue said.

"You have to work hard enough. You not only have to go to work, but also have to work overtime in the morning and evening."

"Thank you for your hard work. It means that there is still hope for the day. If you are idle, it will be broken."

"That's right." Aunt Li nodded.

Tang Xue put on her coat and shoes. "Then I'll go to the plantation first."


When breakfast was ready, Jiang Yu just wanted to call her in the plantation room, but she just pushed the door in.

"It's just right. Come and have dinner."

At breakfast, she gave the work she had to do today to the employees by the way.

"There is a batch of peanuts and potatoes that can be collected. You can collect them sometime today. I remember that there is not much cooking oil stored in the warehouse. Do you want to study the peanut oil squeeze? Although the yield of this batch of peanuts has decreased due to winter, it should not be a big problem to squeeze 300 to 400 catties of oil.

"Yes, I'll ask the official if there is any oil exchange business first. If not, I'll ask if I can borrow a fully automatic oil press. If I can pay, it directly change it directly to the best, otherwise it will cost a lot of materials even if I borrow the machine and ship it back."

Tang Xue and Jiang Yu discussed how to turn peanuts into cooking oil.

"If the road is smooth, you can go to the township below to look for it. There should be someone who has an oil press. Now it may not be necessary to have an oil press at home. Maybe you can give some materials to change it back, so that you don't have to worry about squeezing oil in the future." Uncle Tang said.

Uncle Tang once saw a shop with an oil press in the town, specializing in collecting rapeseed, sesame and other oil extracted from his own countryside.

"It's a pity that many roads are blocked now."

With that, Uncle Tang shook his head.

Finally, I decided to ask the official first. Anyway, the farm and the official have always been friendly and cooperative, and the problem should not be too big.

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