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Chapter 125

The end of the world 116

The next day, instead of waiting for the official person, he waited for Duan Boyu with an investigator.

After Duan Boyu completed the transfer task, his superior immediately issued a new order. Because the task was urgent and needed to be kept secret, he didn't even say hello to Jiang Yu and others and left. This time, he received an investigation notice. As soon as he saw that the address was the farm address, he decided to go there by himself when he had time.

He drove to the farm with investigators. At this time, the farm was busy, more than a dozen people were busy working on the farm's land, and an excavator was digging the foundation.

At first glance, there will be a big move.

The farm should not only rush to sow seeds, but also build houses. There must be not enough manpower. After discussing with Jiang Yu and Tang Xue, they decided to ask nearby villagers for help.

They first found Akang, and then asked Akang to help find a local construction team specializing in building houses. Generally, there will be people who build houses in the village, and those who want to build a house in ten miles and eight villages will invite them.

A Kang quickly contacted the construction team for them. The leader of the construction team was from the village next door, and a group of construction workers gathered under him. Nowadays, there are few people building houses, and the members of the construction team are basically housework farmers. Occasionally, some families need to repair the house before they can find them.

Now that there were materials to earn money, the captain of the construction team immediately reorganized the team.

A Kang not only helped them find the construction team to build the house, but also organized the villagers to go to the farm to help farm. In order to thank the villagers for their help, the farm not only included two meals, but also paid S$100 per person a day. He also promised that the remaining materials for the construction of the house would be donated to the village free of charge to repair the villagers' houses.

At present, the normal employment market is basically S$100-150 a day. Meals are not included, food is expensive and scarce. Few employers choose to make meals.

Hearing this, A Kang and the villagers couldn't close their mouths with laughter.

The house of the farm is packaged for the construction team, and all the materials are from the farm, and the construction team is in charge. As for the salary, the two sides reached an agreement with reference to A Kang's proposal.

During the construction of the house, the farm includes two meals, and after the end of the construction period, the salary will be paid in a lump sum.

Duan Boyu saw the foundation that had been excavated and said in surprise, "Your speed is okay. You start building a house so soon."

"I can't help it. More than a dozen people on the farm can't stay in tents all the time. They can only build the house as soon as possible. How can you have time to come here today?" Jiang Yu said.

"I received the news that you reported a suspicious situation. I happened to be free today. I came with the investigator to have a look. You can tell us the situation in detail first. The more detailed the better."


Jiang Yu said the specific situation to the investigator and Duan Boyu.

The investigators asked in detail the situation at that time, as well as the appearance, time of the vehicle, and the direction of departure. In addition to these, they were asked if they had found any suspicious people recently.

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