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Chapter 37

The end of the world 28

At the moment the contract was signed, Tang Xue became a partner of Jiang Yu Farm.

The development speed of the situation actually exceeded Tang Xue's expectations. Did this succeed?

Seeing that Jiang Yu was about to sign the contract, Tang Xue asked, "Aren't you thinking about it?"

Some of her requests did not seem reasonable, but Jiang Yu did not object, but agreed without hesitation. This is not like what a shrewd businessman would do.

"No, just sign it. The core of this project is you, and the rest is secondary."

Jiang Yu signed his name in the lower left corner of the contract and stamped it.

Seeing that he was so sharp, Tang Xue stopped talking nonsense. Although she asked a little too much, she could promise that she would never let him suffer.

After she promised to cooperate, Jiang Yu directly brought the laptop to prepare the contract, then printed it, signed it by both parties, and finally uploaded it to the official system for the record. It took less than an hour to finish everything.

Tang Xue invested in Jiangyu's farm with technology and became the second shareholder, accounting for 40% of the shares. The two sides agreed to build a greenhouse soilless planting project on the farm. Jiang Yu was responsible for all construction matters and expenses. Tang Xue only provided technology, accounting for 40% of the shares.

City C is vigorously advocating the resumption of work and production of major small and medium-sized enterprises, but those who can successfully resume production and work are large enterprises that occupy high-quality resources or have a monopoly position. It is difficult for small and medium-sized enterprise owners and service industries to survive.

As the food crisis is gradually rising, the government has vigorously supported farming and animal husbandry, giving many policy preferences and subsidies, hoping to stimulate human and material investment in animal husbandry cultivation. Therefore, their cooperation project was quickly approved, and the farm personnel also obtained corresponding transportation permissions.

Recently, officials are vigorously building planting bases and breeding bases in the North Mountains, and their farm construction has also taken the official hitchhiking. There are many bigwigs in C and they have the same ideas. Many people have begun to engage in soilless cultivation and animal husbandry in the mountain enclosure in the North Mountains, and the North Mountains have become the most promising areas in City C.

When the contract was taken home, Tang's father doubted that she could account for 40% of the shares without anything.

Tang Dad: Is Jiang Yu interested in my girl? Otherwise, how could she be given so many shares for no reason? There is no good thing to lose pie in the sky. He must have some plans.

Tang Xue is not guilty of taking 40% of the shares, because she has confidence in her ability. She can't let Jiang Yu suffer. In the future, Jiang Yu will definitely get much more than he has paid now.

Since Tang's father suspected Jiang Yu's misconduct, every time Jiang Yu came to the Tang family to discuss farm matters with Tang Xue, Tang's father would pretend to inadvertently come to them. The eyes staring at Jiang Yu have been shining all the time, as if he were guarding against wolves.

As long as the two people sit closer, Donald will come over.

"Come on, Jiang Yu, have some juice."

Jiang Yu quickly took the cup with both hands, "Thank you, Uncle Tang."

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