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Chapter 9

When Jiang Yu saw his brother's message, he happened to be ready to have a box lunch in the company. When he saw the information, he immediately felt that the boxed lunch ordered by the assistant was not good.

Tang family

There were three large packages piled up in the hallway, all of which arrived today. She took out a knife and opened them one by one to check.

The largest package is epidemic prevention supplies, containing 200 N95 masks, 200 medical surgical masks, 10 bottles of 150ml alcohol spray, 10 packs of 100 alcohol disinfection wipes, 5 cans of 100 packs of 84 effervescent tablets, 3 bottles of hand sanitizer, and 5 boxes of 100 latex hands. Set and 10 protective glasses.

One package is clothes, 50 men's cotton vests, 50 pieces of disposable underwear for men and women. These are all prepared for inconvenient bathing.

The other is snacks, pork shops, spicy strips, ham sausages, barreled potato chips, sili racks, and large bags of fruit candy. Spicy strips and potato chips are really good things. Add a little when there is no seasoning. No matter what you do, it will taste good, so that people can't swallow it.

She carefully counted the quantity record notebook, then marked it and put it in the box, intending to put it in the cabinet in the upstairs storage room later.

Now the things she bought are no longer put in the ink bead space. They are all put in the upstairs storage room and the newly made lockers. They are all things to be placed on the bright side and cover the space materials. She purchases and stores everything at home. Tang's parents don't know how many things there are at all.

The next afternoon, she was making dumplings while making them. After cooking, she packed them in a lunch box and stored them in space. When you want to eat them, they can take them directly. She also froze a batch of them in the freezer upstairs and left them and eat them slowly later.

At 5:30, Tang Xue sent a message to Jiang Chen and asked him if he was hungry. She planned to cook dinner and asked him to come over at six o'clock.

Jiang Chen was brushing the past exam paper, and the last big question was still unfinished. He spent ten minutes writing the answer, tidying up the desktop, and going to the bathroom to clean up himself up.

He took out a box of oranges from the refrigerator and washed the plate of braised beef at noon and took it.

Dinner is two large plates of dumplings, one plate of braised beef, one plate of halogen vegetables, and one plate of cold spinach. It's hot, and Tang Xue doesn't want to eat hot dishes very much. Cold dishes are more suitable for her taste.

Jiang Chen took a picture of his brother before dinner, mainly to make him angry, because his brother ordered him another set of past exam papers. I thought I could relax for a few days after finishing my summer vacation homework, but now my dream was shattered.

Jiang Yu sent a WeChat message to thank Tang Xue. During this period, he was really busy. He didn't care about his brother's food and drink, so he had to let him figure it out by himself.

Tang Xue: You're welcome. If you don't find a barbecue aunt, Jiang Chen can come to my house for dinner before school starts. Anyway, it's boring for me to eat alone during the day. Jiang Chen can still talk when he comes over.

Jiang Yu: Then I'm sorry to trouble you. Last time I heard that I was interested in mobile power supply. I happened to know someone who got two imported high-power mobile power supplies, which can be connected to solar panels for charging. I will deliver one in two days.

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