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Chapter 97

The end of the world 88

At the White Tower Pass, a young man in a black hat kept waiting on the road. Every time he passes by a logistics car, he will stand up from the roadside stones to see if it is the one he is waiting for.

After waiting for a long time, I finally saw a logistics truck coming from a distance. When he saw the license plate number clearly and was sure that it was the one he was waiting for, his eyes immediately lit up.

When the person he was about to pick up got off the logistics truck, he strode up with a smile.

"You're finally here!"

"He Bin?"

When Tang Xue saw someone coming, she stared in surprise. Why did he be in Baita Town? When he contacted him before, he was obviously in the urban area, how could he run to the town?

"Hey hey, how's it going? I didn't expect to see me here." He Bin smiled as if the hardships he had experienced had never left a trace in his heart, and the two iconic dimples were very obvious.

"I didn't expect it. I always thought you were in the city."

"Give me the bag." He Bin took the sleeping bag in her hand and reached out to help her carry her backpack.

"It doesn't matter. There's not much. I just need to carry it behind my back. You haven't said how you were here yet."

He Bin explained, "Actually, I was also transferred to support the spring broadcasting work just a few days after I arrived. I just heard that Secretary Qin was in Baita Town that I chose to come here. After all, I am an old leader, and I work more comfortable."

"Yesterday, Secretary Qin told me that you were coming today and asked me to be responsible for receiving you. I was very happy. Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you for a while. You have become an expert level."

"What experts are not experts, and they are not the same as before."

"Yes, you used to plant in the community."

"Then where are we going now?"

"Let's go. Now put down your luggage where you live."

The accommodation arranged for Tang Xue is in the staff dormitory building of the town, but not a collective dormitory. A small single room of about ten square meters was specially arranged. The room has been cleaned up with a bed, a table and a chair, and a small two-open wardrobe.

There is a window to the north of the room. If you push it open, you can look at the green hills in the distance.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied."

Tang Xue put the sleeping bag on the bed, took off her backpack and stuffed it into the wardrobe, simply cleaned it up, and followed He Bin to learn about the work.

Although He Bin has only been here for a few days, the content of the spring sowing work has been generally understood. As they left, He Bin briefed her on the situation.

Qin Yue was not in town in the morning. She went to the village below to deal with the problem and didn't come back until noon.

At noon, Tang Xue followed He Bin to the staff canteen for dinner and happened to meet Qin Yue.

At present, the food in the canteen is mainly sweet potatoes, taro, potatoes and tadpole food, and occasionally with some vegetables. There is basically very little meat, one or twice a month, and there is basically no oil and water in the meal, mostly boiled and steamed.

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