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Thank you for checking out my prequel for my original story "Back to You"! I have loved this little universe I dove into this past summer and it's been fun to expand on. This absolutely can be read as a stand-alone, you don't need to have read Back to You. This takes place before the events of Back To You and the sequel, Ride in this Life with You.

I have done some research on the Naval Academy to try to make things as accurate as possible, but I did have to modify a few things to fit my timeline, etc. I've learned more since I first wrote Back to You, and there are things I'd change about my timeline, events, etc if I had the chance now, but I can't. So there may be some things that are not totally accurate, so please just bear with me on that. For example, I know Rooster never actually went to the Academy, his file in the movie shows he went to a university after Maverick got his papers pulled.

And as always, I put the disclaimer out there to avoid negative remarks. I am not a smut writer, not my strong suit. So this story, like my others, doesn't include it. It has plenty of other romance, etc but that's not an area I am great at. If that's not your jam, that is okay, but I always put up a disclaimer in case people prefer to not read a fic without it.

The Pact // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now