Chapter Fourteen

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Haley Seresin
**Double Update, Read Chapter Thirteen First**

    Sex with Rooster had become a regular occurrence. It wasn't happening daily, but it was a few times a week. Neither of them seemed to get enough of it. Haley felt like their friendship was doing fine too, they didn't really talk about the sex outside of when they were together for it. They mostly went to Rooster's, but she had snuck him in and out of her place a few times. She didn't want Blaze to catch on. It was her business what she was up to, and she didn't want to have to explain it either. It was the end of June and had been going on for over six weeks now.

    "I still don't think this is a good idea." Sabrina told Haley over the phone.

    Haley was finishing up a run, and had Sabrina on the phone. She was wearing her headphones, connected to her iPhone. "It's been fine. And I swear it's the best sex I've ever had in my life." She replied, "Our friendship is great. Nothing has changed."

    "Hasn't it though? You can't tell me this hasn't made your feelings for him worse." Sabrina argued.

    Haley didn't answer right away. She knew that it had. It made her feel connected to him in ways that she hadn't been before, so she knew there had been an impact there. Their friendship? Fine. Great. Her feelings toward him? Practically nuclear in size now and getting harder to put away.


    Haley snapped back in focus. "It.....hasn't made them better." She finally admitted. "But what's important is our friendship is intact." She added, feeling like that was the truth.

    "I wish you'd just talk to him." Sabrina said, sighing. "You both need to sort this out."

    Haley slowed down to a walk as she finished up. "Sort what out?" She asked.

    "How you feel about each other, because I've told you a thousand times, it's reciprocated." Sabrina answered. Haley wasn't sure what she was doing, but she could hear voices on Sabrina's end. "Haley, I've got to go. I'm trying to get things set up for my move."

    Haley didn't quite believe Sabrina, but she knew her and Rooster definitely had physical chemistry at least. She remembered once Sabrina mentioned it that she was moving. She was starting graduate school that fall in North Island. "I'll talk to you later. I'm meeting Bradley to go get something to eat." She said, and the girls said their goodbyes.

    Right on time, Haley looked up to see Rooster standing next to his car. She had ran over to his place for her run, and they were going to get lunch. She took her headphones out as she walked up to him.

    "Good to know you're working on your stamina. You've seemed over exerted lately." Rooster told her. "I know why of course."

    The joke flew over her head at first then she shot him a look. "Very funny." She said, opening the passenger door. He had the top off his Broncho that afternoon. "Pick, I don't care where we go."

    "Have they said anything to you about a squadron yet?" Rooster asked as he climbed into the drivers seat.

    "Not yet......why, have they you?" Haley answered.

    Rooster almost looked guilty. "Yeah." He said, "I thought they had talked to everyone. I guess not."

    Haley was surprised, she thought for sure she'd have been assigned one. There were almost two months left in the flight training before they graduated so she supposed there was still time. Did that mean she didn't make it? Jake hadn't been notified there was still hope. "What squadron?"

    "VFA-87, Golden Warriors. I don't know if it'll be official but seems to be the case." Rooster told her.

    "Virginia....." Haley said, realizing that's where he'd be stationed if he was put into their squadron. That didn't count if he got orders somewhere, but his home base would be NAS Oceana as a member of the Golden Warriors. "Fighter and attack squadron too. Wow. That's awesome, Bradley."

    There was something lingering between them. It seemed to be the first realization that they were going to be separated. There was the chance that would be Haley's too, but there were plenty of squadrons she could be placed into. A few were at each base, but it didn't mean she'd get one. They knew this was coming in their friendship, there was no doubt about that. You knew it with any pilot you befriended. Hell, her and Blaze may not even place together. She hoped so, since she wanted him for her WSO but time would tell. Rooster was the one she was going to miss the most.

    Rooster looked over at her. "Hey, it'll be alright. You're going to get a squadron. You're one of the best there." He told her. "Not to mention, there are plenty of ways we'll stay in touch if you end up elsewhere. We have two more months."

    Haley was looking down at her hands, then nodded. "I know. I think it just hit me I won't see you every day in two months." She said, then looked up. She saw a car run a red light and was heading right for them. Easily over 60mph, coming for her side of the car. "Watch out!" She screamed, but it was too late. The sounds of metal colliding was horrifying. The last time Haley had heard that was the night of her parents accident since she had been there.

    Everything else was blurred together, time, sounds and what all happened. She vaguely could hear Rooster, but not what he was saying. They were hit on her side, and she felt something warm running down the side of her face. She weakly lifted her hand, touched her temple, then saw blood on her hand.

    "Bradley......" Haley said faintly, but felt dizzy. She reached out and touched his forearm, smearing her blood. She thought she saw a cut on him but her vision wasn't clear.

    "Haley, hey, hey. Wake up." Rooster told her. She wasn't sure when or how, but he had gotten out of his seatbelt and was next to her. "Haley!"

    That was the last thing Haley heard before blacking out.

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