Chapter Thirteen

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Bradley Bradshaw

That happened.

Was this going to complicate his relationship and feelings for Haley? Absolutely. Did Rooster have regrets about it? Absolutely fucking not.

He and Haley had physical chemistry that neither of them could deny. There was no point, he knew they both felt it. It was almost as if they pieced together like they were what the other was missing. It was easily the best sex he'd ever had, but he wondered if it had to do with the fact he was in love with her. He'd been in love one other time in his life, and even though in this instance with Haley, they weren't dating, it didn't compare to the former relationship. Maybe it was because he was seventeen then, but Haley was in another league.

The before had been a little uncomfortable, neither of them seeming to know where to start. It was just sex, but going about initiating it was an entirely different subject. They had met at his place knowing that was the plan, but getting started had felt out of place. It was new to them, so it wasn't surprising it felt weird at first considering it was an arrangement. It wasn't like she was his girlfriend coming over for it.

Afterwards, neither of them spoke for a moment. Rooster was laying next to her in his bed, and could hear her breathing heavily next to him. He ran his hand through his hair and finally looked over at Haley. She hadn't put her clothes back on yet, but had herself covered with his comforter.

"Holy.......shit." Haley said, looking over at him. "That was-"

"I know." Rooster agreed. He was glad they were on the same page, but he wasn't sure he'd have believed anything else. It had been pretty clear that they were.

"You're definitely not single because you suck in bed." Haley commented, sounding a little stunned.

Rooster laughed. "I never said it was the reason." He replied and she rolled her eyes, but he saw the amusement there. "Are you feeling okay?"

"You didn't hurt me if that's what you're asking." Haley answered and Rooster shook his head. "Oh, you mean emotionally. Mentally. Yes. I don't feel as awkward as I did when I first got here. And it wasn't the idea of sleeping with you, I think it was just....I've never had sex where it was so formal." She explained.

"Me either." Rooster said, "Not like an arrangement at least, which is what we made it."

"It definitely wasn't formal after. Just the agreements." Haley added, as if she felt the need to clarify that. "'d do that again. If you want that." She said.

Rooster turned on his side. He heard Haley suck in a breathe and he looked at her curiously. He wasn't sure if she intended to be so obvious, but she was definitely checking him out. All she could see was his bare chest though. "I would too." He told her. "And what happens from here? Just carry on like normal?" He questioned. That part made him a little sad, but it was what it was. They'd become fuck buddies. Your friend you happened to be sleeping with, nothing else.

"Yes. Obviously we have this going on but we just be us. How we've always been. Haley and Bradley." Haley answered. He thought he heard a small hint of disappointment in her voice, but wasn't sure why. "That was seriously.....just wow. We're pretty good together." She noted.

"We are." Rooster agreed. "Very good." He looked at her and thought honestly it was a sight he'd never have seen. Her naked in his bed. He wondered if he had agreed to this for the wrong reasons......and if she ever found out? He had no idea if she'd forgive him. She had taken a risk by inviting him into this predicament. Trusted him. "So what other ground rules do we have?"

Haley sat up a little, but made sure she stayed covered. He had already seen all of her, but this wasn't part of the deal. "What I had in mind is, not sleep with anyone else. I think that defeats the purpose of friends with benefits, and I'm not into sleeping with multiple people." She said, "We can have sex as much or little as we want, we don't set stipulations or expectations. Tell no one, it's our business anyway. And no sleepovers."

Rooster listened to everything she listed out and thought it sounded fair. He had no interest in sleeping with anyone else either. "What's with the sleepover part?" He asked. They had spent the night together before, so he wondered why that was a line in the stand.

"It feels too intimate. Sleeping over after sex." Haley answered. "Like tonight, I am going home."

Rooster nodded after her answer. "And tell no one......did you tell Sabrina?" He questioned. "I don't care, I just wanted to know if you did."

Haley looked a little guilty. "Yes, I did. Sorry, I forgot." She answered. "There isn't anyone she'd tell anyway. She doesn't know any of our connections, plus she's on the other side of the country."

"Hales, it's fine. Seriously. I just wanted to be aware if she did know." Rooster told her. He had a suspicion Sabrina wasn't pleased, since she knew about how he felt about Haley. Luckily for him, he'd probably never have to face Sabrina again. "Do you want me to take you home?" He asked Haley.

Haley shook her head. "No, I'll take my car back." She answered. "Speaking of which, I'm going to get dressed. So turn around." She told him.

Rooster tried not to laugh. "I think that ship sailed." He pointed out.

"Turn around, Bradley!" Haley said, but Rooster could hear she was trying not to laugh too. He was glad things still felt light and comfortable between them. He didn't want the sex to change that. Rooster did as he was told, and he felt her slide out of bed. He waited until she allowed him to look before he did. She had re-dressed, and was collecting her things.

Rooster slipped his boxers back on before also getting out of bed. He walked over to Haley, looking down at her. She looked so tiny sometimes next to him. "So are we having like a sex code when this is happening or?" He asked, mostly joking.

"I'll send you a rooster emoji. You know, because cock." Haley answered, and Rooster burst into laughter. She smiled back at him. "I wish it was this easy being with other people." She said, looking up at him.

Then lets not be with other people, Rooster thought but didn't say.

"Anyway, thanks for the great sex." Haley said, quickly shifting topics. "We'll talk later?" She said as she walked to his bedroom door.

Rooster nodded, feeling disappointed watching her go. "Night, Hales."

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