Chapter Two

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Bradley Bradshaw

    Rooster felt a little old for house parties. He would be turning twenty-nine in June and it definitely wasn't his scene. Haley liked to come sometimes, and he enjoyed spending time with her. The academy was made up of all ages though. Granted most people were in their early twenties, but it was a variety. This particular party was mostly people trying to become pilots, a lot of them were in their flight training course. The others were ones either wanting to become sailors, or didn't make the pilot cut. Those seemed annoyed when the pilot trainees would refer to each other by callsigns, which had become a thing. It certainly felt like you were already a pilot once you got one.

    "Hurricane, Rooster." Coyote said, opening the door. His real name was Javy Machado, but his callsign was Coyote. He happened to be the best friend of Haley's twin brother, Jake Seresin. His callsign was Hangman, and it had come very quickly when their classmates realized he'd hang you out to dry. To either save himself, or be the star of the show. Coyote was hosting this party, which was how Haley had found out about it. Her brother wasn't fond of Rooster, and the feeling was mutual.

    "Hey," Haley replied, passing through the door with Rooster behind her. "Is Jake here?" She asked.

    "Upstairs, in the middle of something." Coyote answered, wiggling his eyebrows.

    Haley made a face, seeming to get the memo. She grabbed Rooster's hand, and drug him to go get a drink. Small gestures like that felt like torture sometimes. And had for the last two years that Rooster had been in love with her. He never said anything, out of fear of rejection. He figured it was better to have her as a friend than nothing at all. Haley wasn't always an open book, so he never was able to get a read on if she felt anything for him. He didn't think so, he felt like he was eternally stuck in the friend zone. Not to mention, he also felt like Haley was way out of his league.

    "Why does this feel like a frat house?" Haley asked Rooster, handing him a drink.

    "Because your brother and Coyote are hosting it." Rooster answered, taking the cup from her. It wasn't a rage party by any means. Not like you'd picture in a college movie or anything like that. He did see what she meant though, it did have frat house vibes. Rooster could do without staying, but he'd stick around for Haley.

    There wasn't much he wouldn't do for that girl.

    "True." Haley agreed. "You're sure I look alright?" She asked, sounding unsure. Rooster thought it was odd that she was doubting herself, it wasn't really like her.

    "Yes." Rooster told her. More than alright, he thought. She was easily the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and didn't think anyone would ever pass that. "Why, looking to impress someone?" He added lightly. He hoped that wasn't the case, but he couldn't stop her either. She wasn't his.

    "You never know." Haley answered, shrugging. She took a sip of her drink and made a face. "God, there's nothing but tequila in this." She said to Rooster. She shook her head but drank it anyway.

    Rooster took a sip of his and agreed. There was hardly anything else in it. He worried a little about Haley. She was small in her frame and height. Thus, she tended to be a bit of a lightweight. He figured he could keep an eye on her. They were just up the street from her house too.

    "Little sis!" A voice rang out. Jake Seresin made his way downstairs. He had on a fucking robe and looked like some sort of Greek God. It shocked Rooster sometimes that they were related, they were so different. They had similarities though. Haley could be cocky like him sometimes and reckless. As far as their looks, Hangman looked older. Not in a bad way, he just looked more their age than Haley did. They had the same shade of green eyes, but their hair was slightly different shades of blonde. Hangman was also six feet tall and Haley was almost a foot shorter.

The Pact // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now