Chapter Fifteen

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Bradley Bradshaw

    The events of the accident came in a flash. Rooster knew it wasn't his fault. There was absolutely nothing he could have done, but he felt horrible. Especially because Haley was the one hurt. He was fine, he hit his head on the door but he was alright. It wasn't anything compared to the impact of Haley getting hit on her side. They did end up going to the hospital to get checked out, Rooster refused it. He knew he was fine. Haley was in and out the entire time, they were worried about a concussion.

    Rooster used her phone to call her brother, only because he thought he ought to know. He was in the waiting room when Hangman showed up like a raging bull. At least that was the perception Rooster got.

    "What the hell happened?!" Hangman demanded.

    Rooster wasn't sure if they had ever really been alone prior to this moment. He wasn't going to let Hangman intimate him though. Haley was important to him too, and he wasn't leaving. He had a weird feeling that was going to be the goal here from her brother.

    "Another driver ran a light, we were going to get lunch. T-boned her side of the car." Rooster answered. "I don't know anything else except they're concerned about a concussion, she hit her head." He noticed Hangman eying the blood on Rooster's arm, and it was evident it wasn't his. "They're running tests to check and labs."

    "Was it your fault?" Hangman asked.

    "I just told you that someone else ran the red light. So no, it wasn't." Rooster answered. "Believe me, I'd do anything to go back and find a way to stop it."

    Hangman eyed him for a moment then seemed to back off a little. "Thanks for.....staying with her." He said in a cool tone.

    "She's my friend, I wasn't going to leave her." Rooster told him.

    Hangman stiffened at that. Rooster had no clue why it irked him that Rooster and Haley were close friends, but it did. "Did they say how long until they know anything?" He questioned.

    Rooster shook his head. "No, but it's been a little while. So probably soon." He answered, putting his hands in his pockets.

    Hangman was quiet for a moment. He looked concerned, and Rooster had never seen that before. He had a feeling there were many layers to him, more than he let on in front of other people. He glanced back at Rooster. "I heard you got assigned a squadron." He commented.

    "Yeah, I did." Rooster responded. It was official, he had down played it to try to make Haley feel a little better in the moment. He knew she'd get a squadron soon.

    "I didn't realize the Navy had a squadron for turtles." Hangman stated.

    Rooster did his best not to roll his eyes. This wasn't the time or place to pick a fight, despite Hangman's best attempts to bait him. "Their patches are real cute with baby turtles. I'm hoping I get one on my helmet too." Was all he said.

    He couldn't believe it, but he saw Hangman's mouth twitching into a smile from amusement. One he tried to hide quickly, but it was there. They both looked up when the nurse came out that had communicated earlier with Rooster. "Are you Haley Seresin's brother?" She asked Hangman.

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