Chapter Tweleve

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Haley Seresin

Haley had never had a friend with benefits of course, which created questions. How exactly did you even agree when it was going to start? The weekend after her and Rooster had agreed, they had met up on a Friday night at his place. Unlike her, he didn't have a roommate at his apartment downtown. She had told Sabrina only about the arrangement, who had warned her it was a bad idea to do this. She reminded Haley she was in love with him, and this was going to complicate that when you added in sex. Haley disagreed, it was going to get them both something they wanted, and who better than someone you trusted?

Jake had probably gotten inside her head with the whole thing, but it was happening. Unless one of them backed out that night. When she got to Rooster's, she felt awkward for the first time ever around him. Mostly because she wasn't sure how to even begin. They went to his room, and sat on the bed like two teenagers. She felt guilty knowing how she felt about him, and worried she was using this to get that without saying anything. But it did also make sense. They were good friends, trusted each other, and weren't seeing anyone else.

"So......." Haley said, "I don't know why this feels weird. We talk about sex." She admitted.

"Because it's me and you." Rooster said, "But if we're really doing this, we have things to discuss." He pointed out.

Haley nodded. "Okay, so first off, I'm clean. I've been checked and honestly haven't had sex in months. So there's that. I'm on the pill. And if we're really doing this, we can't let it get weird. And if it feels weird, then we stop. That's our agreement." She told him.

"Same. And......haven't slept with anyone in a while either." Rooster admitted. "My mind has been elsewhere." He added but didn't elaborate. Haley wasn't judging him off that. There was nothing wrong with not having sex all the time. He nodded in agreement about their terms. Haley trusted him if he felt weird at all, that he would say something. She knew that she would do the same. Also, if her feelings got in the way, she was going to stop it.

Haley sat up on her knees on the bed. "You are seriously one of my very best friends and I love everything about you. I want you to know that. So if this feels wrong, or that it's going to make things weird, we're ending it. And have to figure out a way to still be friends. I need you in my life." She told him.

Rooster took one of her hands. "Haley, I promise. I want that too. And you're sure you want this?"

"Yes. It sounds crazy and I never thought I'd do a fuck buddy feels like something to explore." Haley answered. "I'm on the pill but I'd prefer you......" She never thought she'd be saying this sentence to him. It would feel less awkward if he were her boyfriend. Because it wouldn't feel so formal. But that was what it was, a formal arrangement.

"Condom. Got it." Rooster finished.

"I know it's weird because it's me and you. I just never would have thought." Haley said, shaking her head. She looked down at her hands then back up at him. "I'm nervous." She admitted. He had been right when he said no matter what, it was going to change things. It didn't mean that it was bad, there were friends who hooked up. Not to mention, this obviously wasn't her first time having sex, but this was Rooster.

    "We don't have to." Rooster said, when she noted she was nervous. "I've gone my entire life without an 'FWB' as you call it and can live with that."

    Haley laughed a little. "Obviously same here." She replied, not having done that before either. "I.....feel very open to it though. And only with you. I trust you and you make me feel comfortable."

    Rooster nodded, and Haley noticed he was watching her closely. He leaned toward her a moment later, his mouth inches from hers. Haley realized she had forgotten to breathe.

    This. Was. Happening.

    There was obviously the time to back out but Haley didn't want to. She could hear Sabrina's warning in the back of her head but she pushed it aside. She took a leap of faith and leaned forward to close the gap between them. She kissed him, and just like the first time, it felt like fireworks.

    Rooster kissed her back, then slowly laid her back on his bed. He seemed to be being very cautious with every move he made with her. Haley felt his hand slip underneath her shirt and sent shivers down her spine. She reached up and pulled his shirt over his head.

    Haley had seen him shirtless before, but this was......a whole new view. Hovering above her. She had stopped kissing him when she pulled his shirt over his head, and just stared.

    "Is something wrong?" Rooster asked, sounding concerned.

    "No. Just damn." Haley said, waving a hand over him. "Very nice. 10/10." She added, and he laughed.

    Haley suddenly felt comfortable, where her nerves were subsiding. Yes this was Rooster, who she had always felt was off limits but this was also the same person that made her feel more safe and comfortable than anyone else ever had. She thought for only a second before she pulled off her own shirt. She had just worn a t-shirt over there, which didn't feel very attractive but she hadn't gone over there trying to seduce him either. They'd already agreed they were having sex.

    This was new for her. She had never been in her bra in front of him. Swimsuit, sure, but this was the most intimate position she had ever been in with him. His eyes scanned over her with desire that made her heart thud against her chest. Which for a moment made her wonder.....but for this to work you had to feel some attraction right? It didn't mean he had feelings for her.

    "I lack a bit in the chest department, but I-" Haley began, trying to make a light joke but he cut her off.

    "You're perfect." Rooster told her and she could tell he meant it. "Before we go any further, you're absolutely sure about this? I am. But I want to make sure you are."

    Haley felt herself flush and hoped he didn't notice. This was just sex, nothing more. She nodded, feeling touched by him making sure she was consenting. "I'm absolutely sure." She confirmed, looking up at him.

    Rooster looked at her for a moment before proceeding. He wasn't holding back as much as he had been before, Haley noticed he kissed her with more intensity than prior. Her body responded involuntarily to him, and she didn't even have the brain power to feel embarrassed about it. He kissed her down her neck and her body bowed into his.

    Haley heard a soft sound escape her mouth, one she wasn't even sure he heard. If just this felt good, she couldn't imagine the actual sex. She wondered why he stopped kissing her when he reached her stomach, but she saw he had sat up to remove her jeans. He glanced at her, almost as if for permission, and she nodded.

    This may not be the best idea, but for the moment, Haley wasn't going to overthink it.

The Pact // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now