Chapter Five

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Bradley Bradshaw

January left as quickly as it had came. The last semester felt like it was going to fly by extremely fast at this rate, which Rooster had mixed feelings about. On the one hand, he was ready to really begin his career with the Navy. On the other hand, he knew that likely wouldn't include Haley. The chances of getting stationed together somewhere were slim. Both of them knew that. It was possible they'd be in the same squadron, but there was no way to know right now.

Flight training was the most interesting part of the week. He was just about over the regular course work, he figured most people were by the time they were in their last year. They'd graduate in August, but the final three months would strictly just be the flight training. That meant about five more months of classes to finish up degrees. Rooster felt like he was doing fine with his flight training. He was very by the book and never stepped out of line. He didn't understand pilots like Jake Seresin, because reckless types were the ones who'd get you, or themselves, killed. He thought his callsign was fitting though, he was only out for himself. Rooster had been hung out a few times now.

"Pick up some speed, Bradshaw. I'm surprised you haven't run out of fuel yet." Hangman chastised as they were finishing up for the day. It baffled Rooster sometimes that was Haley's brother, they were nothing alike. A part of him suspected though, some of his asshole behavior was just for show. Rooster guessed he'd never know, he doubted Hangman let anyone in enough to find out otherwise.

"I'm surprised you haven't gone to an early grave yet." Rooster shot back. He rolled his eyes, but beneath his sunglasses, he knew Hangman couldn't see. He thought he saw Hangman give him the middle finger out of the corner of his eye, but he wasn't paying much attention. He was set on finding Haley, he hadn't seen her all day. And today was definitely a day he wanted to see her.

Rooster spotted her walking with Blaze and Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace, another one of the students who had been selected for the flight program. Her and Haley were only two of a few female pilots there, which Rooster thought was bullshit.

"Happy Birthday." Rooster told Haley when he caught up with her. "Quarter of a Century."

Haley laughed. "Thank you. Don't remind me. Thirty will be knocking before I know it." She replied, "Though it'll be knocking for you first. And you." She added, glancing at Blaze at the last part. He was a year older than Haley, three years younger than Rooster.

"It's not that bad getting older. I feel like I am aging into my personality." Blaze said with a shrug. "Saw asshole of the year give you the finger. What did you do?" He was talking to Rooster.

"Who cares. If it pisses off Hangman, it's a win in my book." Phoenix commented, "No offense." She added, glancing at Haley.

Haley shook her head. "It's fine. I know he's.......not everyone's cup of tea." She said. She didn't seem offended, but Rooster wondered if it ever bothered her a little. She was close with her brother after all. Rooster imagined she saw a side of him that the rest of them didn't.

"He made a smart ass remark to me, I said one back." Rooster answered Blaze. They all four walked back inside the hangar to head out for the day.

"That's fair, he dishes it out." Haley said with a shrug. She stopped and turned toward Rooster. "I'm going to go home and change then I'll be ready. Sound good?"

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