Chapter Seven

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Haley Seresin

    The following morning, Haley woke up and for a moment didn't realize where she was. She noticed the hotel, and then reconnected where she was. She glanced to her left and saw exactly where she was. She was still in Rooster's arms and widened her eyes. She debated if she should try to wiggle out or what to do. She was going to be horrified if he woke up and found her there. But why should she be embarrassed? He was the one with his arms around her.

    This wasn't her most mature decision, but she decided to pretend to still be asleep. Which she didn't have to do long, she felt Rooster stir next to her. Haley flipped over so she was facing him, and he didn't drop his arm. "Hey." She said, trying not to make it weird.

    Rooster looked back at her, and didn't look upset. He almost looked surprised, but she wasn't sure why. "Hey." He said back. "Sorry about....." He said, gesturing to their position. He pulled his arm back from her.

    "Don't be." Haley told him. "I didn't move, so. Obviously we were comfortable. You make quite the personal heater, Bradshaw." She joked with a grin.

    Rooster laughed. "I'm sure. You're so tiny."

    "I am not tiny." Haley protested, but she knew she was compared to him. "We should probably get ready to go to the airport....." She said, but didn't move right away from the bed. He was no longer holding her, but they were still inches from each other. For a brief moment she almost considered blurting out her feelings to him, but her inner battle against it won over. He was laying on his side and one of his hands was close to hers. She felt his fingers gently brush against hers and both of them stared at their hands.

    Rooster finally nodded, but he also didn't leave the bed right away. He did reluctantly after a moment though to start getting ready to go and Haley joined him. They got ready then departed for the airport. They had small talk the rest of the morning and on their flight. Haley felt like there was something unspoken between them. She knew what she hoped it was, but the idea of that was terrifying at the same time. As much as she wished he felt the same way, it terrified her. Things felt so easy and natural with him, she worried anything more than friendship would ruin it.

    They landed in San Diego six hours later, where Sabrina was waiting for them at the airport. She ran toward Haley as soon as she saw her. Haley almost fell backwards from how hard Sabrina threw her arms around her. "I have missed you. I fully support your pilot life but it sucks not seeing you." Sabrina told her, still holding on tightly.

    "I missed you too." Haley replied, hugging her best friend back. She had so much she wanted to talk to Sabrina about. She finally let go of Sabrina, who turned to Rooster.

    "Good to see you again, Bradley Bradshaw. Tell me, is your middle name something 'Brad', as well?" Sabrina asked him. They had met a few times briefly in the last four years, but Sabrina obviously knew all about him.

    "It's Alexander." Haley and Rooster said at the same time. This looked like it pleased Sabrina.

    "Are you coming with us or what's the plan?" Haley asked him, ignoring the giddy look from Sabrina.

    "I'm going to go see Mav. But I'll be at the wedding, promise." Rooster answered. Haley saw he had his phone out and was already arranging a car.

    "You don't have to, I know it's weird to go when you don't know anyone." Haley replied but Rooster shook his head.

    "I promised you I'd go, and I mean it. Don't second guess it, Hales." Rooster told her.

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