Chapter Six

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Haley Seresin

Classes and flight training were going accordingly. Haley had no complaints there, everything was going smoothly overall. She was still getting chastised a little for being somewhat reckless with flying. It wasn't that she was a bad pilot, she was just overly confident. So there was a push and pull between trying to tell her to bring it in some and to not not take chances. Haley knew you couldn't be too careful either, because sometimes risks had to be taken (within reason).

Despite things going well, Haley had been relieved when spring break was upon them. She was looking forward to seeing Sabrina and going back home to California for a few days. Which also included the trip to Philadelphia, then California,with Rooster. They had never traveled together in their four years of being friends. Haley wasn't sure what to expect honestly. Sometimes trips could make or break a friendship.

The baseball game had been admittedly fun. Rooster had explained basic baseball 101 to her on the drive down, and then some throughout the game. What she hadn't expected was how into it he actually was. Haley felt like she learned a whole new side to Rooster. The game had ended, but they hadn't cleared out the stadium yet. Haley was finishing the frozen margarita she had gotten. Which wasn't very good, but that was a sporting event for you.

"What did you think? Honestly." Rooster asked her.

"It was fun. Honestly." Haley answered, "I'd go again. I'm sorry they lost though." She added. She knew Rooster was disappointed about that, but Haley thought it was still fun. She also thought he looked cute in his red Phillies hoodie and hat, but she hadn't told him that. "This, however, is terrible." She said, holding up her drink. "Try it."

Rooster took it from her and sipped from the straw. He made a face. "Yeah that's shit." He agreed, handing it back to her. "I'm glad you had fun though."

Haley took the drink back and finished it off before standing up. "Thanks for bringing me. Want to head to the hotel? The flight is early." She said.

"Yeah let's go get checked in." Rooster answered as he also stood up. He followed her down the aisle and she felt his hand on her lower back as they went down the stairs, which sent shivers up her spine. They exited Citizens Bank Park together to head to the car. Rooster had driven them down. Their hotel wasn't far from the ballpark and whenever they arrived, they went inside to check in.

"There's actually been a mix up with reservations." The woman at the counter told them. Haley saw her name badge said her name was Anna. "You requested a room with two beds, but we booked you for a single queen. Is that going to be a problem?" She asked, looking between the two of them. She probably assumed they were a couple and that was why she was asking.

"Is there not anything you can do?" Rooster asked. Haley couldn't explain it but something about the way he was leaning on the counter was attractive. Fuck. At this point she felt like anything he did was attractive.

"We don't have any doubles available." Anna answered. "I can get you guys a refund to book somewhere else, but I don't know what would be available."

"Then let's can-" Rooster began but Haley stopped him.

"It's fine." Haley told him. "Let's just do the one here. It's late and we shouldn't spend all night hunting a hotel room." She did not think it was a good idea with an early flight.

The Pact // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now