Chapter Eleven

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Bradley Bradshaw

Rooster had gone for a run when he got Haley's text, inviting him over. He responded yes. He knew she had a date and wondered if it had gone badly. She had seemed frustrated lately with dating, and he didn't blame her. It also hurt him seeing her go out with other guys, but it wasn't like he was making a move. He'd run into similar things with girls, he just wasn't there. Not in the place for it. He always thought about Haley. Rooster also agreed, it felt complicated having a relationship and the Navy. He felt like with Haley, it could work some how, some way. But he wasn't exactly making the move to find out.

He met up with Haley after showering and changing clothes. They were sitting on her old Victorian porch at the house she shared with Kazansky. He wasn't sure if Blaze was home or not, they were just out on the porch. It was raining, and the sun wasn't quite down yet. They were sharing a bottle of vodka they were passing back and forth while she caught him up to speed on the nights events.

    He didn't think the date sounded bad, the guy actually sounded pretty perfect. Which Rooster found annoying, but he didn't let that show. The problem was, Haley evidently didn't want something serious, and the guy did. He knew she was just frustrating with the entire thing. He could relate in some ways.

"I honestly was hoping to just hook up. I think he wanted to try to date me and all this other bullshit." Haley answered, taking the bottle from him. "I feel like trying to have a relationship is too complicated with the Navy and I wasn't that into him. But on the other hand, I don't think I want to die alone and I am twenty five years old, so time is running out."

Rooster snorted. "Time isn't running out." He told her. "I'm going to be twenty-nine in June, so if anyone should be concerned it's me." He added jokingly. "It's complicated though. I agree." He knew even before he was in love with Haley, that having any kind of relationship or life outside of the Navy wasn't easy. His parents had gotten married before his dad was enlisted. They did, however, have him during his dad's active duty.

Haley took a swig from the vodka bottle. "You're hot, you will have no problem finding someone. If you'd ever open yourself up." She replied, "You do to me. It's not hard. I think you avoid dating sometimes. Are you hung up on someone or something?" She asked, passing back the bottle.

There it was again. Her always commenting on his appearance. He never knew if she was doing it in a way that you're just complimenting your friend, or that she was attracted to him. There was a difference, he knew that for sure. He wished he knew where she was coming from.

"Hot? You give me shit constantly about my mustache." Rooster questioned, raising an eyebrow. He took the bottle back from her and stared down at it. "Something like that." He answered, vaguely. He wasn't going to tell her, oh yes. By the way, I'm in love with you and that's why I stopped trying to date people. If Haley was interested, she'd have shown it by now. The only time he did go out with women was occasionally when she encouraged him to get out there.

Haley looked intrigued. "Do I know her? Is she cute?" She asked with a grin. "You deserve the best Bradley Bradshaw. And please make sure I get a wedding invite." She teased.

"I don't want to talk about it, Hales." Rooster said, looking back up at her. "Don't worry about it. It isn't going to happen." He looked at her sternly. He didn't want to be teased anymore about it, knowing it was her. He thought maybe something might change between them after California, but she almost seemed distant when they got back.

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