Chapter Sixteen

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Haley Seresin

    Haley thankfully made a full recovery after the car accident a few weeks prior. Rooster had been able to get his Broncho fixed, it hadn't been totaled. She was glad for that, she hated the idea of him losing it. Even if it was just a car, she knew what it meant to him. She felt like their arrangement was going well and they were having fun with it. The downside was, she knew she was getting more and more attached to him. They also had just about two weeks of school left.

    She had been assigned to a squadron finally, which meant she had a place as a Naval Aviator. It was not the same one as Rooster. She had been assigned to the VFA-151 Vigilantes, which meant she would be stationed in Lemoore at their airbase. She was in the same one as her brother and Blaze. Assuming nothing thwarted her graduation, that was the plan. Haley didn't see that happening. She was doing very well in her flight training, one of the top pilots. Not to mention, she had passed all of her classes for her degree. Graduation in August and her career as a pilot were in motion.

    After a grueling day of flight training, she and Rooster had met up afterwards for their usual. Which had become a routine to meet up for sex. They'd talk about their day, fuck, and just hang out. Everything about being with him felt so easy and natural. Haley wasn't even second guessing anything anymore. It felt like that was the place she was supposed to be. Minus the fact they were just friends.

    Haley was laying next to Rooster in her bed. Blaze was out for the evening, and she had locked her door anyway. He wasn't home when they were having sex so he'd have no way of knowing. She was wearing the t-shirt Rooster had on when he had come over.

    "It's going to suck finding a new fuck buddy in California." Haley said, mostly joking. Well, entirely joking. She had no intentions of doing such a thing. She knew at this point it wasn't the sex she was enjoying-though it was good-it was being with Rooster.

    "You're going to find someone else?" Rooster questioned.

    "It isn't like we're going to be in the same state, much less even same side of the country." Haley replied, "But honestly? I doubt it. It's not the same, it's not you."

    Rooster studied her for a moment. He turned on his side, using his elbow to prop his head up. "Haley......" He said, "Have you ever thought about what it might be like to have more than just this?" He asked.

    Haley felt her stomach drop. She wasn't sure what he meant specifically but she had a good idea. Something she had longed and hoped was maybe there. Being faced with it? That was fucking terrifying. "Have you?" She asked, instead it of answering his question.

    "And if I had?" Rooster said.

    "I'd wonder where it was coming from." Haley answered. That was it, that was the moment she could have told him how she felt. She was scared to go down that road. She also had to remind herself, technically he didn't just admit feelings. He was asking her if she had ever thought about it. That wasn't the same thing as him saying he had feelings for her too. She also didn't know if he meant with him or just more than sex in general. Since they had been avoiding relationships in general.

    "Just curiosity." Rooster told Haley. She almost thought he looked disappointed but it was hard to tell for sure. "What do you want for your future?" He asked, "Where do you see the great Hurricane ending up?" His tone had a hint of amusement to it, and she could tell he was moving on from whatever had just happened.

    "Hopefully if all goes well in the next month, being in the Navy as a pilot. Top Gun, definitely. I'd seriously probably cry if I got in." Haley answered. "I'd like to get married. I don't know how it would work being on active duty, not easy, but I'd like that. Maybe be a mom. The idea scares me but with the right person......" She let her voice trail off. "Hopefully have a really successful career. I don't know doing what exactly, but I feel like I'll know where my place is once I get started with the Navy."

    Rooster listened and nodded as she answered him. "You'll definitely go to Top Gun." He told her.

    "I hope so. I know there's other programs but that's where I want to be. Why I bust my ass every time we have training." Haley replied, "What about you?"

    Rooster shrugged. "Similar things. I know I want a family, I always have. One or two kids. I didn't have siblings obviously and it was lonely sometimes." He answered. "I also hope to go to Top Gun, because of my Dad. And Maverick. It'd be pretty fucking cool. Past that, I don't know. See where life takes me I suppose. Oh and I want an Australian Shepard. God, I've wanted a dog my whole life and my Mom never would let me, then I joined the Navy."

    Haley grinned. "Who knows, maybe we'll go together. The great Rooster and Hurricane will be reunited." She joked. She knew the chances of that weren't super high. She laughed a little about how badly he wanted a dog. She hoped he got a dog one day.

    "Could be. I hope so. Life is going to suck without you around." Rooster said, "Being around you these last four years is the most alive I've felt in a while."

    "Yes, yes, I'm great in bed. Tends to make everyone feel alive." Haley replied and he cracked a grin.

    "That's good too." Rooster agreed, "But just being with you in general. We've been through a lot together."

    Haley reached over and put her hand over his that was close to hers. "We have. I don't know how I'd have gotten through my parent's accident without you." She said, quietly. "Jake became so distant. Which I completely understand, it was his own way of dealing......but I'm thankful to have had you." Sabrina was usually her rock, but she was across the country. She wasn't with Haley for the aftermath. And Jake......he'd dealt with grief in his own way. "And school has been a rollercoaster. I don't say it enough but you mean a lot to me."

    Rooster squeezed her hand and she felt herself tear up a little. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked. He sat up and used his other hand to tilt her chin up to look at him.

    "I don't know how I'll do it without you. I'm thrilled to be starting as a pilot but it really fucking sucks we won't be together. I've gotten so used to having you in my life." Haley told him. Reality of that was really sinking in. She sat up and wrapped her arms around him before she thought about what she was doing. It wasn't usual to hug him, and she had cried in his arms before.

    Rooster wrapped his arms around her in return and held her close to him. She wasn't sure where all the tears and emotion came from, but they did. She realized Sabrina had been right, them sleeping together wasn't a good idea. It had only brought her closer to him and now they had two weeks left together. And she was too damn scared to tell him how she felt. She wasn't sure what difference it would make, they'd still be at different naval bases.

    Rooster just held her while she cried, and she felt him rub her back. She knew it wasn't the end of their friendship, but it felt like grieving one. She wouldn't see him every day, and not to mention, there may be times where they weren't able to talk depending on orders. She pulled back after a moment slightly and looked at him. She was sure her face was a mess, but he'd seen her at her lowest points before today.

    They looked at one another for a moment, not saying anything. And then, Rooster did something that Haley did not expect. It wasn't in their rule book, it wasn't part of the arrangement.

    He kissed her.

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