Chapter Nineteen

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Haley Seresin

    Naval Academy Graduation was finally here. Haley had been looking forward to this day since she had gotten her acceptance. She knew she was finally on her way to becoming a Naval Aviator. She would be entering Lemoore Air Station as Lieutenant Haley Seresin, which had a nice ring to it.

    Haley had spoken very little to Rooster since the last time they slept together two weeks ago. He'd made attempts, wanting to meet up and talk. She knew what he wanted to talk about, and she just couldn't do it. She still hadn't told anyone about what happened with the exception of the cliff notes version to Blaze. They had their house packed up to make their cross country move. They were only taking their clothes, essentials and things like that. A lot of it they were shipping over there. It was too much to move everything, especially with the pilot life.

    Jake was making the drive with them, since he was going to the same place. She'd spent a little more time with her brother in the last two weeks, but she hadn't told him about anything going on with her. She had sat next to him at graduation since their last names were the same. He made quite a show when he went to get his diploma. They had on their dress whites for the ceremony and it was outside. It felt like a first true official ceremony being in the Navy. She saw Rooster during the ceremony and she thought he wore the uniform better than anyone. She couldn't let her mind go there though. She had to break ties. She didn't want to not be his friend, but she knew this had to be the end of anything else.

    Sabrina had come out for the graduation, and Haley hugged her after the ceremony. Jake was lingering next to Haley, grinning at Sabrina. He'd always flirted with her, she never acted interested. They had a long love-hate history and mostly just enjoyed screwing with one another.

    "Like a man in uniform?" Jake asked Sabrina.

    Sabrina looked at Jake like he was an insect that needed to be stepped on. "Not my type." She told him.

    "Your eyes tell a different story, Calloway." Jake responded, not phased. He flashed her a grin then walked off to go see a few of his friends.

    Sabrina rolled her eyes, but watched him walk away. She turned back to Haley. "I'm thrilled you'll be close again but not him. I could do without dickhead." She told Haley. "So where's Bradley?"

    Haley felt likes he was shot in the chest when Sabrina mentioned Rooster. "Around. I'm.....we....." She said, feeling herself tear up.

    Sabrina looked concerned. "H, what happened?" She questioned.

    Before Haley could help it, she launched into a quick version of what had happened two weeks ago. She managed not to cry during it thankfully, since they were still at the graduation. Sabrina never once told her "I told you so". She just listened and showed support.

    "It's not over. You can make long distance work. At least talk to him." Sabrina said, "I know he feels the same. Trust me. I get why you're scared, I do. But Haley, you've been insanely in love with him for so long now I don't even remember when it started. Talk to him. Don't let it end like this."

    Haley looked away from Sabrina. She didn't feel like it was plausible to make it work long distance. Not to mention, she just was scared. She hadn't felt this way about anyone before and it terrified her. She saw Rooster looking at her when she had glanced away from Sabrina. He was standing with a few of their classmates.

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