Chapter Seventeen

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Bradley Bradshaw

    Rooster was kissing Haley before he fully knew what he was doing. It wasn't as if they hadn't kissed before, but it was always with sex. The deal, the pact, their arrangement. He had never kissed her like this, which was emotionally. He felt drawn to her in that moment and thought it felt right. He had almost talked to her about his feelings, but when she wasn't answering his questions, he wondered if she felt the same. He had started to suspect it but it was hard to tell.

    He shared her feelings on them moving away. It wasn't going to be easy. He was going to miss her like crazy and there was nothing he could do about it. They were in separate squadrons and they were stationed at different bases. It sucked and the reality of it was finally hitting.

    What Rooster hadn't expected was Haley to kiss him back. And she did. This wasn't their usual kiss, this had.....Rooster wasn't sure what to put on it but this wasn't the same as it had been. It was different. She continued kissing him and moved so she was on top of him. He allowed her to do so while continuing to kiss her. She pulled off his shirt that she was wearing, revealing her bra underneath.

    He had noticed during their time of having their friends with benefits situation, she tended sometimes to be critical of her body. Which was unusual, she was so confident in so many ways. She seemed to have been worried if he was attracted to her. She was smaller in the chest, but had other curves, and seemed to be unsure if he was attracted to her in that way. Rooster honestly thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, both inside and out. And being attracted to her was not an issue at all.

    Haley looked down at him, she was sitting on his waist, straddling him. This was also the first time one of them had initiated sex without it feeling like an arrangement. It was just happening in the moment. She leaned down and kissed him hard. Rooster moved his hands up her back, making his way for her bra hook. He managed to unhook it, then flipped her over so he was on top of her.

    She looked impressed by his skill set, but she didn't stay fixated on that long. She pulled him back to her to continue kissing her and Rooster obliged. He planted kisses all down her body, and he felt her shudder underneath him. It still blew his mind sometimes that Haley responded to him like that. He never thought they'd ever be in this position together and they were. Rooster looked up at her before they went any further, and she nodded to him.

    Rooster knew in those moments that whether or not Haley wanted to admit it, he had a strong feeling that she felt the same way about him that he did her. For the first time, he felt confident in that.

    It should have excited him, but it crushed him at the same time. Because they only had two weeks left together.

The Pact // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now