Chapter Eight

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Mojave Desert
Bradley Bradshaw

They were in a better place, but it was still strange to Rooster to be spending time with Maverick. When he had gotten in last night, it was a little awkward at first. Maverick acted like he wasn't quite sure how he should be with Rooster, almost like he was afraid Rooster was going to shut him out again. Not that Rooster had any regrets, what Maverick had done was shitty. It had taken him several years to move past it. They were still trying to navigate having a relationship again, but it was getting better. Rooster had finally caved and began to slowly let Maverick back into his life.

Admittedly, he had missed Maverick. He had grown up around him, as much as Mav could be around, and he had always been a good friend to his mom, even after his dad died. When his mom passed, he wasn't speaking to Maverick. It wasn't too long before her passing that he had pulled his application to the Naval Academy. Rooster didn't regret starting to let Maverick back in, but it was hard figuring out how to start over.

"So you're here for a few days?" Maverick asked, handing Rooster a cup of coffee.

"Yeah but I'm heading out tomorrow to go to this wedding with Haley." Rooster answered, taking the cup. He sat down across from Maverick. It wasn't surprising in the least that Maverick was living inside a hangar. It was definitely a bachelor lifestyle. Rooster didn't want to be Mav's age one day and still living that life. It worked for Maverick, he supposed, but Rooster knew he wanted other things. He wanted a wife and a family, a kid or two. Definitely a dog.

"You talk about her a lot," Maverick commented. "In fact, it's about the only thing you mention about the academy."

Rooster didn't respond right away. He just drank his coffee, trying to decide how to respond. "It isn't because I don't want to talk to you about the flying, if that's what you're thinking." He said. "I didn't realize I only talked about her." That was the truth too. When he did talk to Maverick, he didn't hide things intentionally. He honestly hadn't realized until then that most of his updates involved Haley in some way.

"It crossed my mind." Maverick admitted, "But I didn't suspect that was the only reason."

Rooster lowered his mug. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, sounding a little defensive.

"Lower your weapons, Bradley." Maverick said, sensing his defensiveness. "I just mean that obviously she's important to you." He noted.

"She is. She's probably my best friend there." Rooster replied, "And in general." He was quiet, trying to decide how much more to share. This was an opportunity to let Maverick in a little more. He just had to decide if he felt comfortable doing so. "It has felt complicated though. I' love with her and she has no idea." He finally said.

Maverick looked surprised. Rooster had expected that, he so rarely shared very personal things. It was usually surface level stuff as he begun to let Maverick back into his life. "Do you think she feels the same way?" He inquired.

"I've wondered occasionally. But she's hard to read, and I'm worried she looks at me like a brother or something. She has a lot of male friends, her roommate being one. Which you know him, Xavier Kazansky." Rooster answered. "So I'm not exactly her only guy friend. So it's very possible she just thinks of me as a friend."

Maverick nodded, listening. His attention was solely on Rooster. "I think you should speak up." He told Rooster, who couldn't help but snort.

"Advice from you? Because you're clearly winning in the relationship department." Rooster said before he could help himself. He suddenly regretted being so harsh, but Maverick didn't look offended.

"I don't disagree." Maverick said, "But don't make mistakes like me and let someone slip away."

Rooster drank some of his coffee before responding. "Are you referring to Penny Benjamin?" He questioned. Maverick's one person who had been in and out of his life for years.

Maverick glanced to the side then back at Rooster. "I never put her first." He said, "Among plenty of other mistakes in my life. So take my advice or not, just don't be like me."

"You're not that bad, Mav." Rooster told him. He wasn't saying Maverick probably could have done things differently but he wasn't a bad person. He had just put other things first before settling down. That being the Navy and flying. Which was how he ended up with no wife or kids. There was still time for it, but Rooster didn't know if Maverick could ever slow down. "With Haley there's also the matter of her brother. He's an asshole and hates me for absolutely no reason. It would definitely be an issue if we were to ever....get together. He's the typical pilot who thinks he's bigger than the entire sky." He added.

"I've met plenty of those." Maverick replied, "It's a front. And when have you ever let a challenge stop you?" He asked.

Rooster wasn't one to let things get in his way, but he felt like Hangman would be a major issue. Not to mention, he wasn't sure Haley would choose between them if it came to that. "We'll see." He finally said, not elaborating any more. He had no idea if he would ever tell Haley.

Maverick gave Rooster a weak smile but didn't say anything else on the matter. "So outside of this predicament, how's the flight training?" He asked.

"Fine. I like it. I'm ready to get finished though and move on from the school portion." Rooster answered as he placed his mug on a table. "The other pilots can be frustrating occasionally but I know I made the right decision taking this path." He paused for a brief moment. "And I've had a bit of insight on.....being put back four years." He saw Maverick look over at him. "It sucks and I can't go back and change it. But I have tried to find something positive from what you did and if it hadn't happened, I wouldn't have met Haley."

Maverick sat back and didn't say anything right away. He looked guilty, Rooster noticed. "That may be so, but....." He let the thought trail off. He knew Maverick wasn't sorry for it. Maverick did it for whatever reason he had thought was a good one. He had told him once before he didn't think Rooster was ready.

"We don't have to talk about it anymore. I don't want or need an apology anymore. I want us to move forward." Rooster said, "That's why I came out here. I could have stayed with Haley this entire time but I want to work on our relationship. You've always meant a lot to me and I need you."

Maverick looked surprised, but he nodded.

"I need you in my life too." Maverick told Rooster.

Rooster and Maverick looked at one another for a moment, before Rooster shifted the topic. "So are we going to sit around all day or are we taking that out?" He asked, nodding to the plane that Maverick had inside the hangar. Maverick grinned in response.

"That depends if you're prepared to help with a few tune ups." Maverick answered.

Rooster stood up from the couch. "Get the tools, old man."

Author Note
So I know this one has been sort of slow compared to the other books, but it'll pick up soon. I wanted to show some building up of relationships, like Maverick and Rooster reconnecting. When we meet them in BTY, they're already in a good place.

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