Chapter 2

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And that's how I ended up on a plane on my way to some place that I've never heard of, with some annoying kid who keeps kicking my chair and reaching through the seats to poke me on the shoulder.

"Stop it." I snap, tired of asking politley.

"You're eyes are really pretty." The annoying little brat said, finally stopping kicking my chair and poking his head through the gap in the seats.

"Thanks, I guess." I give him a small smile.

"They're like part ocean, part forest. It's really cool." He leans really close to me, inspecting my unique eyes. My eyes are the one thing I love about my face, they're like mini globes in my head - a blue kind of background with green smudges but the shades of the colours aren't all the same - they're prettier than they sound.

"What's your name?" The kids asks me sticking his thumb into his mouth.

"Amarante but most people just call me Amy since no one can actually pronounce my name. What's your name?" I ask him.

"My names Archer." He smiles with his thumb still in his mouth. "Your name is really pretty like your eyes."

I laugh lightly at him, he's sure gonna be a ladies man when he grows up - he's got the attitude and the looks already. He has light blonde hair that sticks up everywhere making him look adorable and beautiful brown eyes.

"Where are you going on this plane?" He asks.

"To a new school at some place called North Edge."

"That's where I'm going! My big brother goes to the big school so my parents said I could go to the little school that's near it." He smiles once again.

"How old are you Mara?" He asks. I mentally aww at the nickname he's given me.

"I'm 17, how old are you?"

"I'm six but I'm nearly 7." He states proudly.

We make small talk for the rest of the surprisingly short flight - or maybe it seemed short because I had Archer to keep me company - either way I'm pretty sure the flight was only around 5 hours which I consider pretty short. When we were getting off the plane Archer grabbed my hand and looked up at me with his cute brown eyes.

"Don't go Mara." He pouts.

"I have to. I've got to move into my new school." I try to explain.

"But our schools are close to each other so why can't we arrive toghter?"

"I'll tell you what, when I've settled in I'll come visit you at your school, ok?"

"Pinky promise?" He held his pinky out.

"Pinky promise." I smile and link my pinky with his. His hand swings with mine as we go to collect our luggage.

"Mara?" Archer asks as I grab my 2 bags and he grabs his.

"Yeah?" I look down at him and we start walking to the arrival gate.

"What's your ability?"


"What ability do you have? Your going to North Edge school for the gifted right?"

"Yes I am bu- Oh my God." I gasp as I realise something, "It isn't an academic school, its a flipping superhuman school." I mumble to myself.

"Ummm...I'm not quite sure what my ability is, I've wondered for a long time." I explain. "What's your ability?" I ask him, assuming he has one since he knows about it.

"Super speed." He smiles at me, his dimples showing.

"That's really cool." I smile back at him.

"Can you show me what you can do later?" He asks, hope shining in his eyes.

"Of course." I nod at him, I just can't say no to the kid. It's weird how this turned out, at first I was ready to rip his head off his shoulders but now he's like a little brother to me.

"Who's picking you up?"

He shrugs, "I dont know, my mummy said to just look for my name on the cards." He says scanning the swarm of people and white cards with names written on them.

"There!" He points to one with the name 'Archer Redmill' in big bold letters.

"I'll see you later then, yeah?" He looks at me and nods once again smiling to show his dimples before running with his bag towards the sign. I know, I'm a horrible person for letting a 6 year old be alone in an airport filled with potential kidnappers and surprise adoptioners, but I think his parents are the actual ones at fault - letting their son travel to another country on his own, at least I'm assuming this is a different country. Poor thing.

Ok now that my complaints are out of the way, where the hell am I supposed to go?

I scan the signs just like Archer did only a few minutes ago and spot one with the name 'Amarante Ischyros'. Yes, I do have the weirdest name in the world. But I love it, Amarante mean 'flower that never fades' and, even though I have no idea why my parents named me that, it suits me perfectly. I walk towards the sign, dragging my luggage behind me causing it to hit a few people as I moved, its only then do I notice the man stood holding the sign looking like he's just jumped straight out of a James Bond movie. His head snaps to me as soon as he spots me approaching.

"Amarante Ischyros?" He pronouces both my names wrong but I'm too intimidated to correct him.

I just nod instead.

"Right this way." He drops his arms and tucks the sign under his arm, he then starts walking to where I'm assuming the airport exit is. I only now realise that I'm missing school, I need to text Becca and let her know I'm ok. Becca is my best and only friend and has been ever since I moved in with Polly and Dave, when I first went to the school I decided it would be best to stay in the background therefore avoiding drama and the possibility of revealing my secret. It was my first P.E lesson at the school when Becca first approached me, we were on the same rounders team and she stared to complain to me about sport, it was nice to have someone to talk to so I laughed and complained along with her. Since then we've been inseparable, well until now. How am I gonna tell her that I've moved to a place that probably thousands of miles away? How am I gonna tell her about any of this without revealing my secret?

My thoughts are interrupted by the 007 wannabe, "I'll take your bags."

He takes my suitcase, my large rucksack and my carry-on, and walks around to put them in the boot of the car we've walked up to without me noticing. My eyes scan the sleek black sports car before my jaw drops open, now I'm no car expert but I can tell that this is one fast, and also extremely expensive, car. Mr.I'm-scary-and-I-want-to-be-the-next-James-Bond slams the boot shut and opens the passenger door for me. I climb in carefully, not wanting to ruin anything about the car, but once he's slammed the door shut I relax back into the leather seat.

He soon climbs into the drivers seat and starts the car, the purr of the engine vibrating through my body. Suddenly the seat heats up and I almost shit myself, if the school treats everyone like this I think I could adjust pretty quickly.

"How long do we have to travel?" I ask the scary dude.

"About 3 hours." He replies in his toneless voice, not taking his eyes off the road. I nod even though he can't see me and I slowly dift off into a light but peaceful sleep.

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