Chapter 36

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"Well that was interesting." At the sound of the voice I rolled my eyes, already knowing that this would get confusing.

"What? No 'hello', or 'how are you?" I replied in a sarcastic greeting.

"I can see your thoughts anytime, usual manners of conversation are irrelevant." They sassed back.

"I mean, you're a voice in my dreams, that barely qualifies as a normal conversation."

"Wow, that's actually a decent point, congratulations."

"You're overly sassy today." I commented, snickering at my mental image of the voice rolling its eyes.

"And you're overly annoying, but I suppose that's everyday."

"Ouch, okay," I flinched jokingly, "Anyway, why are you here? You didn't open with your usual line."

"It's too late for that now, besides, there are more important matters at hand."

That peaked my interest, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that right now Ophiuchus are in the final stages of developing their super weapon, and something big is approaching."

"Good to know. Let me guess, you won't tell me any of the details?" I sighed.

"That's correct, you're catching on." The voice snickered at my annoyance, "I have to admit that your escape from Ophiuchus was unexpected, your own methods were more effective than I anticipated, and your group of friends seriously impressed me – they will be your greatest allies when the time comes, and trust me, it's coming fast."

"Can't you at least tell me when? Will our secret training be enough to protect ourselves?"

"I'm sorry, I can only tell you very little lest it alter the future." The voice showed a moment of genuine regret, but then continued as usual, "Your training will certainly come in useful, as long as you figure out your ability in time."

That confused me a little, "Figure it out? What's left to figure out?"

"There's a lot that history has forgotten and twisted, as I've said before, many things that you think you know have been passed down through word-of-mouth, leaving the facts to be distorted and blurry." The voice explained.

"So what does that mean for my ability?" I asked, slightly worried.

"All I recommend is that you look into the Battle of Thorns a little more closely, use the oldest books you can find and I'm certain some of them will be uncorrupted and explain the truth to you." The voice began to fade, giving me the signal that I was about to wake up.

"Where am I supposed to find books that old?" I hurriedly questioned as the grey mist that surrounded me grew thicker and darker.

"They'll come to you when the time is right." The voice briefly paused before adding a final thought, "Enjoy the dance Amarante, and keep an eye on your allies when the moon reaches its highest point for danger will approach them – one they may not be able to escape."

With that warning my vision went black before I opened my eyes to the ceiling of our dorm, the words weighing heavily on my mind.

"Tay!" Honey's voice made me jump and her face appeared in my line of sight, "Get your booty out of bed, we've got a dance to get ready for!" She squealed excitedly, and her face disappeared.

"I'm up, I'm up." I laughed lightly as I rolled out of bed, "What time is it?"

"It is eleven," Marcy's soft voice replied from where she was sat doing catch-up work at our desk, "I do not understand why Honey is insisting on getting ready for the dance when it starts at seven tonight."

"We seriously have to teach you what abbreviations are Marcy," Honey shouted from the bathroom, "And it's never too early to dress up!"

"I'm with Marcy on this one Honey, it's way too early." I replied, chuckling at Marcy's confusion when abbreviations were mentioned.

"I can't believe I'm being ganged-up against!" As Honey shouted back in playful anger, I sat by Marcy to help her with the questions she was struggling with.

Soon enough Honey joined us at the desk, making jokes about the work and keeping Marcy's motivation up, and as the room was filled with laughter, I was thankful for the liveliness taking my mind off of the upcoming threat.

After a couple hours, Honey abruptly stood up, "Let's go for some lunch!"

"Where will we go?" Marcy asked.

"The community kitchen of course!" The blonde announced happily while Marcy flinched at the idea of leaving the room.

"Don't worry Marcy, it's pretty big so it's never crowded." I comforted the socially awkward girl.

We made our way to the massive common room within the girls dorm, and Marcy's expression of awe closely resembled my own when I saw the room for the first time.

"How big is this school's budget?" She mumbled under her breath.

"Too big." Honey and I laughed.

The room was themed white and pale pink with gold accents and was essentially just a massive hall with different sections. There was a kitchen section, a massive dining table, the lounge area and a game area.

As predicted, the kitchen was mostly empty while the lounge area was pretty full with girls chatting and eating.

"Sandwich, salad, or soup?" Honey asked, the ingredients for a blt already floating out of a fridge.

"Sandwich please." Marcy and I chimed in sync. It took Honey all of 10 seconds to finish the three sandwiches while we just started at her.

"That is a talent." I stated, eating my sandwich as we headed back to our room.

"Why thank you," Honey giggled, holding the door open for us.

We sat down to finish our sandwiches before Honey stood up once again.

She beamed brightly at us and I already knew what she was about to say, "Time to get ready!"

We pulled our outfits from our closet and began to get ready, finally. We started with make-up and hair in order to keep the dresses clean, but I also think Honey was trying to keep her's secret until the last minute.

For once I decided to go all out with my make-up, with Honey's assistance of course, and it seemed like that's what we were all going for. After hair we were nearly ready with only clothing to go, so Honey retreated to the bathroom, I took the wardrobe and Marcy took the main room.

We continued talking through the closed doors in excitement, until we were all ready, and I had to admit that I was looking forward to the night.

But the warning lingered in my mind...


Sorry the last half of this chapter was meh. I wanted to get this out before Christmas, then I tried for new year, now I'm going back to school tomorrow so I needed to get it done (0.0).

Also what do you guys think the warning meant?

And what do you think the boys are up to?

Finally, a massive thank you to @mariOreo for their amazing covers, I love them! Here's the link for anyone wanting to check out their work:

Thanks for reading! Peace out,

Niamh <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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