Chapter 6

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"Speaking of the supernatural what's your species or power or whatever?" She asks leaning forward in curiosity.

"I have no-" I'm cut off my the doors slamming open and a male voice shouting,

"Where is she?!"


Everything is deathly silent, everyone was obviously trying to keep their breathing quiet as we all focused on the person who slammed the doors open. He was the only one audibly breathing, in fact he was panting heavily but it seemed more out of anger then anything else - his eyes were also so black you could see the reflection of the shocked faces in the cafeteria in them. He had hair that was a similar colour to my own; a light brown with golden and dark brown highlights, his was cut just above his eyebrows and looked slightly ruffled.

"Where.Is.She?" He ground out, scanning the crowds of people in front of him, I couldn't be more greatful that Honey chose a table near to the back that the other students hide perfectly.

Honey gasps so quietly that no one else but me could hear.

I look at her raising an eyebrow as if to ask 'what?'. She shocked face focuses on something on my neck and she points at it.

I look down to see a blue glow shining through my T-shirt. I pull my necklace out, automatically knowing that it's the thing causing the glow. That's strange, my necklace only glows when I'm using my powers and I'm pretty sure I'm not using them now so why is it glowing?

Don't ask me how I got a necklace that glows every time I use my powers because I honestly couldn't tell you. The first time I used my powers when the accident happened it was just kind of there and I can't take it off - although I wouldn't want to. I think its beautiful. Its a 3D heart shape with plants and leaves on the front with some glittery parts, its all silver apart from when the inside glows blue. (A/N: Her necklace is the one in the picture. Its a necklace that I have and I love it!)

As soon as I pull my necklace from my top the blue glow attracts the attention of the guy at the door. His eyes snap to me and I hear him faintly whisper,

"They weren't lying." He walks up to me his eyes changing from completely black to a pattern the same as mine apart from the fact his have a green background with blue smudges.

"Woah, his eyes are just like yours." Honey whispers. I just nod to let her know I heard her. I'm scared shitless right now.

"Amarante?" He asks like he can't believe I'm here.

"" My reply is cut short by an all too familiar voice. Won't this guy just jump off a cliff already?

"Her names Sarah not Ama- whatever." Tyson states from a table not to far away. The guy turns away from me and sends a menacing glare at Tyson to which he just puts his hands up in surrender.

The guy looks back to me, his expression once again changing. Is this guy bipolar or..?

"Is it you?"

"My names Amarante if that's what you mean." I tell him confused. What does he mean 'is it you', who am I supposed to be?

He smiles and gently takes my hand to pull me up. He starts walking out of the Cafeteria with me trailing behind confused as hell when all of a sudden Honey yells, "Stop!"

The guy stops and turns around to see who stopped him, and I'm pretty sure he's terrified to see a petite blomde running at us like a mad women. She grabs my other hand then nods saying, "Continue."

I laugh as the guy looks as confused as I was only seconds ago, and he turns back around to keep dragging me out, only this time Honey was on the end of the chain. We may as well start a conga line.

He drags us out of the main building and into one that looks like the dorm building but I know it can't be the one containing mine and Honey's dorm because that's not this way.

"How does Jackson Lightring know you?" Honey wispers in my ear her eyes flicking to the gu- I mean Jackson then back to me.

"I have no idea but his names sounds awfully familiar." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. In fact, that name seems more than awfully familiar. Curse my terrible memory.

It takes another 2 minutes to reach out destination which seems to be a dorm room front door. He takes a key from his pocket, unlocks it then leads us inside. The door closes behind us, adding to the horror movie moment and Jackson let's go of .y hand leaving me and Honey stood in the middle of what looks like a living room.

"So...?" I look around, what are we doing here?

"So." Honey replies, her eyebrows together in confusion.

Suddenly I'm slammed against the wall with a hand around my throat, cutting off my air supply. My eyes shift to Honey who's in the same position as me, just with a different guy being the culprit.

"What are you doing here?" The blonde guy holding me asks in one of those low scary voices.

I shrug the best I can since I can't talk.

"Who are you?" The one holding Honey asks, looking between the two of us.

I roll my eyes and gesture to his hand around my throat. He loosens his hold but his glare remains.

"I'm Am-" I'm cut off by Jackson walking back into the room.

"Lucas, get off my cousin."

"Cousin?" 4 shocked voices ask.

Then I'm dropped on the floor.

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