Chapter 8

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"So..." Jackson trails off as we all walk down a hallway in, what was, silence.

"So..." I also trail off, the awkwardness level rising way too fast.

"For God's sake you two! You just found out that your entire family isn't dead like you thought, surely you should be jumping up and down like kangaroo's!" Connery shouts, not bothering to hide his annoyance at the uncomfortableness of this situation.

Lucas let's out a loud laugh along with Honey while Jackson chuckles and I manage to crack a smile.

"See there we go. Laughter, chuckles - although I'm a bit disappointed in you." He points at me.

My jaws drops open,"Why? What did I do?!"

"You smiled." I frown at him.

"That's rude."

"No, I wasn't insulting your smile, but you didn't laugh, that's all. In fact you have a lovely smile." Jackson clears his throat,

"Let's not hit on my cousin Connery." He scolds.

"Does that mean I can?" Lucas asks, teasingly as his winks at me.

Jackson glares at him, "No."

Honey pats me on the shoulder, "Good luck with him. You'll be a nun for the rest of your life."

"She's too young to date."

"Your only like what a year older?" I ask him.

"One year, six months and 12 days." He corrects an irritating smirk on his face. I roll my eyes.

"You were a player at the age of 13 so you of all people can't tell me I'm not allowed to date." I smirk right back at him, knowing that I have a good point.

"I'm allowed to be a player because I'm the heartbreaker not the heartbroken, as for you on the other hand I don't want to see you upset. Since we're all we've got I'm gonna play the part of the overprotective brother."

"Awww." Honey coos.

I smile, despite the annoyance I felt towards him only mere seconds ago.

Before anyone can say anything else we're walking back into the cafeteria. At the sight of Jackson everyone silences once again, but when their eyes land on me and Honey wispers break out among the crowds, most along the lines of,

'Who are they?'

'Why did Jackson take them?'

'How are they still alive?'

My eyes widened and Honey's did the same letting me know she heard it to, we cast a glance at each other with confused, yet scared, looks on our faces. Why would we be dead?

My eyes flicker from her to Jackson wondering if she knew anything, since she knew of him before the whole 'cousin' thing.

The noise level slowly returns but a lot of people still send us curious looks.

We take a table, the only empty one in the cafeteria which makes it look like it was reserves, and Lucas gets up to grab us all food.

I don't miss a beat, "Why the hell did someone ask how are we still alive?" The deadly serious look on my face caused Jackson to shift uncomfortably in his seat.

"I may or may not have a reputation for getting into fights in which the other person gets badly injured." He mumbles, looking at me but not in the eyes. I narrow my eyes at him,

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