Chapter 13

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I wrote this chapter on holiday but haven't been able to publish it because I didn't have WiFi. Sorry about the slow updates but there will hopefully be more because its officially the summer holidays, I swear my school was the last one to break up.

Thank you for being awesome people and for voting, commenting and following.



The rest of the morning flew by, probably because I tuned out for most of it. Science then maths straight after is not fun. Especially because no one I know has maths with me and I was sat in between two guys who just talked about football for the entire lesson, but hey, at least now I know the score of every team in the premier league and their players.

It's safe to say I literally sprinted out of the classroom as soon as the bell went.

As soon as I escaped I realised it was lunch, which meant detention. Yay.

Unlike some schools, this school held detentions in a classroom during lunch, I don't know how people are supposed to get food if we're in a classroom but someone probably brings it. I walk around for a good five minutes before actually finding the room I'm supposed to be in.

I walk in cautiously just in case I got the wrong room, but as soon as I enter I hear someone shout,

"Oy, Amy, over here!" I turn to look at Thomson and the twins, Ryan and Sam I think, and begin walking over to them. I take a seat next to Thomson in the circle of chairs they made in the middle of the room.

"Why are the chairs like this?" Surely this makes it easier to talk to each other when your supposed to be quiet.

"So we can play truth or dare." Ryan or Sam says.

Thomson must see the confused expression on my face because he continues the explanation,

"The teacher comes in checks we're all here and brings food, then leaves us for the rest of lunch only coming back to say we can leave. They don't care what we do in between."

"Okay, cool." The door opens and Carter comes in, followed by Olly, Will and Carl who were shoving each other and laughing. They all take a seat saying hi.

"What's newbie doing here?" Carter asks, putting his arm around my shoulder and sitting in the seat next to me. Lucky me.

"She had a go at Mr. Lockito." Carl laughs.

"Well, I wouldn't really call it having a g-" Carter cuts me off.

"No way, never knew you had it in you newbie."

"I don-" I get cut again.

"Hey gu- wait what's Amy doing here?" Lucas questions walking in and taking his place in the circle.

"She shouted at Mr. Lockito."

"Actually it wasn't re-"

"Nice going Amy." Lucas chuckles, seriously why do they keep cutting me off?!

I just roll my eyes and stop trying.

The door once again opens and a young looking teacher strolls in, a cart of food being pushed in behind him by a lady with a hair net.

"Are you all here?"

"Probably." Carter replys.

"Good enough for me. Here's your lunch, have fun." He waves then walks back out with the woman wearing a hair net, leaving a tray of food behind.

"I'll get it." Will says standing up to get the food. He brings it into the middle and everyone grabs a plate of food, me included.

"Who's ready for truth or dare?" A chorus of 'me's come from everyone in the room, "Good who's first?"

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