Chapter 4

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After the blonde, who I've now learnt is called Winnie, came back with my stuff I said goodbye and started on my way to my dorm. To put is simply, this highschool is massive - like colossal, absolutely huge. No joke.

So its no surprise that I get lost a few times, ending up in a theatre or something stupid like that. But despite wandering off several times I finally make it to my dorm room.

I put my key in the lock and twist while pushing down on the handle, sadly I wasn't expecting the quality to be very good so when the door suddenly swung open because of my weight against it I not so gracefully fell into the room.

"Oh my goodness gracious!!!" A cute voice says from inside the room. The voice is followed by barley audible footsteps coming towards me.

"Are you alright?" The voice asks.

"Yeah I'm fine. Didn't see that coming."

"So your definitely not a phychic." She giggles. I finally look up and am met by bright honey eyes. Her honey curls cascading down to the middle of her back match her eyes perfectly and her innocent porcelain face along with her sugary voice lead me to believe she's as sweet as they come.

She holds out a delicate hand which I gladly take.

"Thanks." I smile at her which she returns with a pearly white smile of her own.

"Your welcome. My name's Honey," No surprise there, maybe I am physchic,"I'm guessing your my new roommate. Oohhh, this is so exciting. I didn't have a roommate before, because my mother was all 'Its good to be independent' but after hours of bouncing around her in circles she finally said yes. I was soooo happy, I still am. I've never had many friends people tend to think I'm too straight forward and girly but hey its in my nature. Anyway what's your name?" She finishes all in one breath, bouncing on her feet and smiling brightly at me.

"My name's Amarante, but you can me Amy or whatever nickname you want." I smile again. Be warned, her happiness is extremely contagious.

"I'll call you..." She pauses and strokes an imaginary beard before she suddenly has a lightbulb moment,"Tay!"

I nod, "Tay. I like it."

She then grabs my hand, beaming at me still and drags me further into the room barley giving me enough time to grab my bags and kick the door shut.

"This is our bedroom." She announces, letting go of my hand and twirling onto a single bed with a pink quilt.

"I'm sorry but I already decorated your side of the room, I hope you don't mind." She looks at me in anticipation. I turn to face my side of the room and a smile slithers onto my face. The walls were a light pink much like the rest of the bedroom but they had flowers and vines growing randomly, my bed also had a light green net canopy draping on it creating a transparent cocoon. My desk and draws were white. All in all it was gorgeous.

Taking my silence as a bad sign Honey starts to ramble, I've picked up that she has the tendency to do that, "I'm so so sorry. I can change it if you'd like. I just didn't think anyone would move in so I decorated it myself. Its ok if you want to call in some professionals or something, I know not everyone likes the same things I do. -"

I cut her off before she can start another sentence, "Honey this is incredible, thank you so much."

She squeals,"I'm so glad you like it. You had me worried for a second. Anyway, in there's the bathroom - jacuzzi and all." She playfully winks and gesture to a door on the back wall, "And in there is the Wardrobe. Half of it is clear for you although I may or may not end up accidentally wandering to your side and stealing a few things." She giggles gesturing to a door also on the back wall.

"Thanks Honey." I don't really feel like un packing at the moment so I sit on my bed and turn to look at Honey.

"So tell me about the school. Who should I look out for? Who should I be nice to?"

"First off there's Azora Bridge. When you hear her name, run, hide, move to Antarctica and marry a penguin. She is horrible. She doesn't sleep around though. That's where Laura Carta comes in. She's slept with pretty much the entire male population of the school and proberbly a few females too. Watch out for her, shes not as mean as Regina George herself, aka Azora, but she's a pretty close second. Then there's the males. Tyson Reed, the guy every girls wants and every guy wants to be. He acts cocky when he's with his friends but his life is pretty closed off. Then there are the entourages, I won't name all of them but just watch out for large groups of people with too much make-up or leather jackets."

I nod taking the information in. That's quite a few people to look out for.

"Don't get me wrong this schools great and most of the people are really nice but those are the exceptions."

"I think I've already met one of them. Yeah, when I was walking into school that Tyson guy stopped me."

"You mean The Tyson? Dark brown hair, green eyes, body of a God and a leather jacket?"

"Sounds like him." I nod and she gasps.

"Oh my goodness gracious. What happened?!" She bounces on her bed staring at me in excitement.

"Um, well, funny story." I tell her the short story and she explodes into laughter.

"About time someone put him in his place." She laughs.

"That's exactly what Meghan said." I muse.

"That would be because we're cousins who are more like sisters."

"Really?" She nods, "Wow, small world."

"I know right. And Winnie, the other receptionist, is my Auntie."

"Wait, do the rest of your family know your here?"

"Of course silly! They all came here too, apart from my Step-Dad because he doesn't have the pixie gene."


"Yep." She smiles proudly. That would make a lot of sense as to why she's so cute and sweet.

"And the rest of your family are all pixies too?"

"Uh huh."

Before I can ask another question she looks at me like I'm the confusing one,

"How come you don't know anything about this?" She asks.

"I always thought I was normal until the accident but after that I didn't know what to do. I was terrified of what would happen if anyone found out so I closed myself off. I was then fostered by a lovely couple who as far as I know were human. Then this morning they told me a man came to ask if I would like to come to a school for the gifted and they accepted. That's how I ended up here."

"So you Foster parents didn't know you weren't human."

"I don't think so. As far as I'm concerned they were completely oblivious."

"What's this accident that you vaugley mentioned?"

"I'll tell you later. I've never told anybody so honestly it might be a while before I can fully trust you." She gives me a smyphthetic smile, noticing the change in my tone.

"Enough of this sadness, I'll show you to my favorite place." She stands up and walks to my bed, pulling me off of it. For a supoosedly dainty creature she sure is strong.

"Where's that?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"The Cafeteria!"

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